Project 046 -- ZZ Top Eliminator
Photo 1 of 25
8 August 2019, 18:48

Looking forward to watching this build, Chris. ZZ Top was the first concert I ever went to...
8 August 2019, 18:51

Welcome guys!
#2 I Thought I'd start off the party with a batch of purple punch (Super Clean) and the whole sheet of chrome into a ziploc... Why dechrome piece by piece wheen I know they are all getting punched.
8 August 2019, 19:17

Hey if you want, they do make the band figures for this but they are pricey. I'll eventually get back to my 1/24 and 1/16th of this car. P.s there are 2 of these used in the videos, one black interior the other is the radon tan and carmine red. Enjoy this simple build and jam out while building it!
8 August 2019, 20:22

Let me know if you want another one of these kits, i just picked up 5 of them on close out at HL.
8 August 2019, 22:19

Love ZZ Top, only saw them in concert 18 months ago or so, very cool. Looking forward to your build Chris.👍🙂
8 August 2019, 23:11

I'll have to look at mine, I bought them yrs ago with 3 of the lady's to go with it.
9 August 2019, 01:30

Spot models has some girl figures at a decent price.
9 August 2019, 12:41

Oh, another difference between the 2 cars, one has shaved door hinges. Just a fyi
9 August 2019, 17:20

Why is this a skill 4? There's only 4 sprue sheets, and 1 of them was chrome... Hrm...
9 August 2019, 20:01

It's only a skill 4 if you cut open the doors and have 2 chicks coming out of it! Skill 2 otherwise! LOL
9 August 2019, 20:10

Forgot to say before but I saw ZZ Top at Wembley Arena in London a few weeks back, awesome musicians, need more volume tho, like Motörhead 😉
9 August 2019, 22:27

Did you see the bag of purple stuff? dechromed the whole sheet with Super Clean 😄 and probably will decrome forever more. I don't like the way pre-chromed pieces look.
10 August 2019, 06:08

Someone said there are a couple of cars used for the videos. The body will be Tamiya X-7 red, but for the interior should I do solid black? or option 2, this burnt red color? img is being weird.... click the little box below.
10 August 2019, 19:33

Yes Chris it was me. I researched this yrs ago and have collected pics. Interior choices are (the original) Radon tan and carmine red. Vallejo #70.908 or it's RAL 3002. Model master # FS33613, or do the black. Like I said 1 has door hinges, the others are shaved off. If you'd like me to email pics let me know, I'd be glad to help.
10 August 2019, 20:15

I've always disliked black interiors, gimme a vibrant red, blue, even just plain old tan is cool.
My favourite, if I can do it on old Mopars is white 😉
10 August 2019, 20:57

I had a 73 Plymouth satellite with white interior, I will never own a car with white interior again!
10 August 2019, 21:23

I think I'll do the tan. But the closet color I have in stash is Vallejo's Buff. 70.976 Buff, Vallejo Model Color Matt, Acrylic, 17ml I think it looks like the FS number you have.
10 August 2019, 21:30

Tan's good Chris, if I remember the vid when the blonde goddess steps out of the suicide door it's trimmed in tan leather.
Yes Tim, I bet it's a shit to keep clean, looks fantastic tho!
10 August 2019, 22:09

For those who are following my beading side-project I took a couple of days off of modeling the ZZ Top and finished a 50cm x 50cm 40,000 bead project called Death Is Beautiful... It turned out wicked 🙂 [img1]
13 August 2019, 00:54

I think I burned myself out on modeling cars for a bit 🙁 I'm going to finish my current beading project, then I'm going to get back into modelling [img1]
15 August 2019, 17:35

Hahahaha... Thanks for the understanding... and the laugh, Tim. 😛
15 August 2019, 18:30

I just had a similar experience Chris. My 3 year old managed to get into my locked display cabinet and destroyed 8 finished aircraft kits. That REALLY killed my mojo on everything. As a grown man I'll admit I cried a little. I'm hoping the group build in October will bring me back to norm again.
15 August 2019, 19:50

OMG Nathan, I'm so sorry to hear that! That hurts! I can relate, last year my sister was over and knocked down a 1/25th Peterbilt with the flatbed trailer with the metal coils on it, to make things worse was that it was in a $90 display case! Total damage around $200.
15 August 2019, 22:58

Jeesh I'm glad it's just another hobby that killed my car mojo for awhile... You two had national crisis' worth of mojo killing.... Yikes!
And this diamond painting thing is very addictive and zenful 🙂
16 August 2019, 00:25

Ah... had to check in as I didn't see anything from you for a while. Taking a break is good. Charge up those batteries again. I'm jonesing to get going again once the dark evenings return. Can't wait.
23 August 2019, 22:55

I've turned into lurker mode, like Tom 😛 I'm still around, just not around. But I'm getting a fever for more cowbell... uh, I mean modeling 😛 I'll be back sooooon 🙂
24 August 2019, 17:39

Perhaps you guys can forgive me for adding this, which I though was very amusing:
Maybe take a break at Enterprise, the revolving restaurant..
Youtube Video

Myself I am paying down a new refrigerator, and just maybe I can afford a new spray booth in the next 60 days.
26 August 2019, 14:57

Real life comin' in hot.... So I'm in a line of cars all taking a free right turn into a dedicated lane... The line is slow moving but steady.... I put my head on a swivel to watch all the other traffic and all of a sudden the lady in front of me stops, and my van goes bonk... damn it... but we were only going a few miles an hour. The right headlight area on my van is crunched. I take it in for an estimate... The want to total the car!!! Estimated damages are over $3000 for such a stupid little bonk!!!! I'm very upset, sad and flabbergasted at the outcome and cost. [img1]
The accident itself was easy peasy to take care of. The lady was super positive and helpful. The lady nor I were hurt. We drove our cars to the nearest parking lot, exchanged info and all that jazz and said goodbye. she did have a matching bonk on her car too.
Literally 5 minutes later we see each other at the pet store and have a laugh. So there's that. Serendipity much??
27 August 2019, 22:16

That appears cosmetic to my old but experienced eye. If the inner structure (strut tower, rad support etc.) is undamaged you could probably source a new/ used fender headlight assembly and swap it out's just a model with bigger parts.
Try someplace like Keystone Automotive for new, salvage for used?
27 August 2019, 23:10

If you, or someone you know is mechanically inclined, then I would have to agree with Chris. It does look like a cosmetic fix.
27 August 2019, 23:29

Phew at least I know I'm not crazy…. Thanks guys!! 😄 The van drives perfectly fine… You should have seen my eyes pop out of my head cartoon-style when he said the estimate… So stupid for such a slow bonk.
28 August 2019, 01:59

Nathan, What is the spook/creature supposed to be in your new profile pic?
28 August 2019, 02:00

Now is the true test of all your modeling skills ! Your Mission if you choose to accept it, a 1/1 Scale paint and repair ! May the Force be with you ! LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28 August 2019, 02:21

I bloody love that film! Robert Shaw's portrayal of Quint is pure genius
28 August 2019, 19:11

Ya Know, If it was American It wouldn't have crumbled like a Jenga game, Just Sayin !!!!!! LOL !!!!!!
28 August 2019, 19:20

For those following my beading side project, I just finished a 36,000 bead project named Dream Home. It turned out really well! 😄 I may even hang it in my living room. 🙂 [img1]
I think my little burn-out break is over. I'm going to dig into the ZZ Top starting tomorrow.
29 August 2019, 20:43

That's Awesome ! Get All Zen doing that I bet ! It's good to take a break from the cars from time to time, That's why it took me so long to finish my SVO Mustang,just had to take a break,now I'm started on my Big Shelby GT 500. Keep up the good work !
30 August 2019, 00:18

You're not alone Chris. Yesterday I managed to get T-boned at an intersection. My fault. Nobody hurt but my car is going to be in the body shop for a few weeks. What a mess.
30 August 2019, 15:23

Oh no! Progress 😛
I'm back on board (I think) Glued the body pieces together and split everything to their primer colors. Tomorrow I'm blast through the black primer and paint and should get though at least grey priming after that.
30 August 2019, 22:09

Oh Man ! I just opened on of these kits and you can sure tell in an instance the mold for this kit is 40+ years old ! Flash out the ying yang and flimsy and doesn't fit together to well. But still an Icon, so I'll use the Shwarts and make due the best I can ! Keep up the good work Chris !
31 August 2019, 19:00

You know...if I wasn't overloaded with these Charger builds I'd join with what sounds like a group build! LOL!
31 August 2019, 22:35

So Then ? When you gonna build this Charger ?
Youtube Video

31 August 2019, 22:41

Ever try making a 69 charger into a 70? I'm getting there, I'm crappy at body work and with this being black, it has to be perfect. I like that 1/8th scale but that one is off on a few things. I did make the correct steering wheel as that one has.
31 August 2019, 23:36

The pics I've posted on this, I'm missing the steering wheel installed. Just finishing doing the body work and it'll be done.
31 August 2019, 23:39

If I get anymore big kits or what not, I'm got to have to live in it, my wife is about to kill me now as is ! But I'd love to have that big bad boy in the living room !
1 September 2019, 00:24

#5 Got some Tamiya white putty and turned the awful fitting trunk piece into a (hopefully) solid rear panel. This is the first time of using this stuff. I hope it goes well.
2 September 2019, 18:44

Bob, aren't you supposed to lay down the law? Not your wife... Or does she wear the pants? 😛
2 September 2019, 18:46

You ever argue with a woman from Russia ? I don't recommend it ! I'm the law on the Highway, but my authority at home lays somewhere between Her, the dog and above 2 cats !
2 September 2019, 19:03

Chris, why filled the panel lines from the trunk? Are they incorrect?
2 September 2019, 19:16

Hahahahahahahahaha you always crack me up Bob... At least you know where you stand 😛
2 September 2019, 19:17

Dominik, the kit for some you this piece for the trunk lid that fits like shit. why he did it this way..... I don't know.
2 September 2019, 21:02

Ok, I'm jumping in. Saw the band in the mid 80's, here in England, at the Monsters of Rock festival at Castle Donnington. They flew the car overhead, under a helicopter. Quite a sight for a slightly drunk teenager! The semi naked women in the crowd, sealed the deal for me. Bring on the music. \m/
2 September 2019, 21:06

Me trying to fix bad parts usually ends up bad... but I think I can fill and sand.... and personally I think I like the idea of a solid panel instead of the sh!t trunk piece they give. This is my first time trying to use a putty. Not sure if I did it right, comments?.... so yup, trunk gone.
2 September 2019, 22:04

Well, you used too much. After you sand that down you'll have to try and scribe a straight line and curved corners. On seems like the airplane guys deal with, they try to sand it a bit 1st, then add and sand putty. They way I did mine was I glued tabs on the decks underside, then when that dried I attached it to the body. Then a dab of putty on the underside to fill the gap and used a small paperclip to clear the excess. no sanding on the body, I hate sanding on the body because it takes me soooo long to get it smooth. Which is why it's taking me so long to finish the fast& furious charger, and what makes it worse is black paint on cars shows Everything! Chris, you can do some great work, but slow down and think a little more, I know we are all learning here but try not to make more work for yourself. Putty can be a great help at times, but also find ways to bum you out. Always start with a little, sand and add more, and sometimes repeat again. I hope this helps you.
2 September 2019, 22:36

I have to go with Tim here. Way too much putty. And the Tamiya putty is pretty hot. It may damage the surface. I would suggest using perfect plastic putty. It is water based and can easily be cleaned up to the point of little to no sanding.
2 September 2019, 22:52

Hey! 😛 Thanks Tim 😄 And now that I've started sanding, I realized I'll be here awhile. Oh well, you live and learn....
2 September 2019, 23:28

Get a comfy chair...
I only use Tamiya grey putty, but if the white's the same, you may want to take some lacquer thinner and wipe off a bunch of that with a paper towel or some cotton swabs. Otherwise you'll be sanding for a looooooong time. Use a low grit (like 240) at the beginning to take off most of it, but take it easy, you don't want to scuff up the plastic for a a car very much at all.
2 September 2019, 23:32

Don, I have perfect putty but it's too fragile for me. I like that you can sand the hell out of the Tamiya and it won't fall/crumble out of place like the perfect putty does sometimes when I start to sand. But I do see what you mean about it being "hot". The Tamiya turned a slight red...
By the way guys, I plan on this car being a crap-shoot because of using the putty, so be prepared 😛 . But we'll see...
2 September 2019, 23:45

As stated previously this kit shows that the molds are 40+ years old, I opened one of mine and the flash and fit are horrendous ! Was just basically a re-box and redecaled version of the 34 Ford kit released in 1973.
3 September 2019, 00:12

*lol* funny to read. Thanks Tim. didn't saw that on the third Photo.
Tim is writing it Right. The same way i use putty if needed. first sanding, put it on and i take a Peace of sheet, to remove excess material. I hate that putty sanding since i built models...thats why i use it as little as possible and make no big custom builts.
It seams, it is a REAL CHALLENGE to built that kit! I would like to keep my hands on one some times...Keep it going Chris - it is a legendary car.
3 September 2019, 06:50

Dominik, The rest of the kit is good, why they did the trunk deck like that is beyond me!
3 September 2019, 13:53

Back in the 80´s when I was making first reluctant contacts with the model making hobby, pic 5 as it stands alone would make a proud full-page advert in a hobby magazine..!😉
Looking forward to see how this evolves... Also still looking for a type of putty/filler that would sort of satisfy my needs & expectations...😉
3 September 2019, 14:34

Chris, it's looking good! I think the putty came out great, but your poor arm is going to be sore from all the buffing you're going to be doing. Now, where's my polishing cloth got to...
4 September 2019, 19:56

yes! Just a little more to go. Back in the days I had a bodyman tell me how to check my progress. It's When you spray black paint over it. It will show all! Then you slowly keep checking it and move to a finer grit sandpaper until good. And this my friend is what I've been doing with the F&F Charger!
4 September 2019, 20:40

I've had some old kits that required large amounts of putty. I'd say you got it back down a-ok Chris. Good to know all our car aficionados can give you tips for future applications. I'd have to say my favorite is Tamiya because of the previously discussed uses of Tamiya's laquer thinner to wipe away the excess.
4 September 2019, 21:54

Looks smooth as silk! Quite a lot of it stayed on the model too...
5 September 2019, 06:16

Well done! The hard work on the trunklid is done, now up to the filling and fine sanding
5 September 2019, 06:34

Chris, you should use this as an opportunity to practice fingertip martial arts. You know, like, wax on/wax off with your index and middle fingers but polishing.
5 September 2019, 12:25

Mate, for what it's worth, I use Squadron filler. It sands really good. Apply a little at a time and concentrate on the gap you are filling, not the amount of filler in the tube. In your example, one line at a time. After the first coat and sand, then wash, dry, then fill any tiny gaps. Sand that right down, with fine grit paper. Finally, polish off with 4000-6000 wet grit paper. Like a baby's ass
6 September 2019, 05:37

#7 This is where I landed for my attempt. Thanks Tim, for the work-through process, big help 🙂 Anyways, I know what to do for next time, this case is closed... I feel like a slug with this car 🙁 , I just want it over.... (but in a good way). I also primed everything.
12 September 2019, 01:26

#8 What would be the right process/steps to mask and paint the front grill? I haven't done much masking with angles and curves. What to do first? I forgot to add, the star is Air Chrome and D is X-7 Red.
12 September 2019, 18:52

I would definitely put the tape on the reds & spray chrome second, in my experience tape is much mor likely to ruin metallics than standards, but that may be just my experience... I would use one of the squishier white Tamiya tapes for the bends, they tend to do the job. Or a Molotow chipping/masking stick, the blue rubbery stuff...
The sanded & primed rear looks chunky - I see Tamiya white likes producing a bubble or two too... not so many as my MrHobby putty, but an occasional flatulence is apparently possible😉
12 September 2019, 20:03

I wasn't going for perfect, this first time using the putty, I can still see the seam. But for my first time using it and seeing the results, I'm a-ok with it 🙂 ... I'm a very hands-on learner. The sad thing is learning this stuff happens online in the various ways and doesn't translate to my head well...
Thanks for the tips Slavo, I think I have that white squishy Tamiya tape, I'll give it a go.
12 September 2019, 20:28

#9 I think my disappearing trunk trick worked pretty darn well 🙂 I'm happy with it 🙂
14 September 2019, 19:09

The only thing I would say is sand it with 8000 and 1200 grit then future to smooth it out.
14 September 2019, 19:43

Don, are you talking about doing those steps before or after painting the body color?
14 September 2019, 21:37

#11 Felt good today, and I hauled ass on the ZZ 😄 All the pieces are painted and the exterior has its first layer of Future. Next, decals, a couple of touch-ups, then Future again and build... This month has really sucked for me mentally. Feels good getting something done 😄
14 September 2019, 21:41

Yes, I was talking about the color coat, to smooth it out more.
14 September 2019, 23:36

Thanks James!
#12 I got the hood together, I really hate it when hoods are 4 separate pieces (see #11). It makes it a touch difficult to get them to align right and sit properly. But I took it slow and nailed it 🙂
15 September 2019, 01:29

Thanks guys!
#13 Everything is done 😄 Build time.
15 September 2019, 20:12

What steps do you take when glueing al the painted parts? What glues do you use?
I'm interested, all of your processes are interesting 😉
15 September 2019, 20:30

I have a fine glue tip on a bottle of BSI Super-Gold+, and I also spit out a blob on a piece of tape and dunk toothpicks into it for even finer control... Less is more... Also I wait a few mins from applying the glue to adding another piece. Engines have alot of pieces, if you're not careful you can have pieces slip while you're working other parts, possibly making a sticky engine and fingers... I recommend watching YouTube or something to help the time go by while you work (I'm watching the BE AMAZED channel which hosts those top 10 ten/10 weird/10 awesome type of videos)
Let me know if your want to know anything else... I know I rant.
15 September 2019, 20:47

That's not ranting! It's an insightful look at your work process 😉
I listen to Planet Rock when I'm building (real cars too) my models
15 September 2019, 21:14

#15 She's done! Vrooooooom.... Photo booth tomorrow 😄
16 September 2019, 00:10

Photobooth pics are still on the way.
I've set up my next project: Faulty Album -- Correct album in comments | Album by chrisagreat (1:32)
16 September 2019, 01:14

By opening one of my kits,and seeing what you had to endure with it's low quality, This by definition is the true meaning of polishing a turd ! Looks great, love how that front grill came out ! Definitely two thumbs up, Chris !
16 September 2019, 02:02

Chris.....I hate to point this out, but the headlight buckets should have been chrome.
16 September 2019, 02:27

There's also supposed to be a trunk... That didn't happen either 😛 I debated chrome or paint for the headlights... I liked the red... 😛 😄
16 September 2019, 02:40

Congratz on another completed build AND overcoming the obstacles.
16 September 2019, 05:02

@Tim.... If you meant the inner buckets should be chrome, then yes I screwed up on that as I'm looking at the car more. But I did want the exterior buckets red.
16 September 2019, 18:46

Sweet Job, Chris ! This may be just a thought, but have you ever considered getting a section of mirror for your photo booth, that way we can see the under carriage and would would be pretty sharp with your booth ?
16 September 2019, 19:00

That would reveal my biggest lie! 😛 I don't pay nearly the same attention to pieces that aren't visible 😛 They don't look bad or anything, they are just meh.
16 September 2019, 19:15

Will do! Buggy Started..... oh my god, freaking small! only 22 parts and my first 1:32.
16 September 2019, 19:42

It looks great Chris, but something seems off about the grill to me. I can't quite put my finger on it... maybe because there doesn't seem to be a hard border between car and grill. Still top notch work though.
16 September 2019, 22:27

I agree Greg.
The grille is normally satin black with a thin stainless trim around the inside of the grille shell.
Still a fantastic car tho, it looks great, Chris had fun😉
16 September 2019, 22:44

I was just following the destructions... 😛 It said red border, chrome grill... also the grill in the music video and all of google images is red with chrome.
Thanks guys!!
16 September 2019, 23:25

The jury finds you not guilty by reasons of insanity... 🙂 I stand corrected. Still looks odd, but now I blame ZZ Top, not you..
One other thing you might try is putting some silver chrome paint behind the clear bits of the headlights. That's my last nit to pick.
16 September 2019, 23:56

Any tip for separating the lens from the bucket? I used BSI CA glue. I'd love to get in there and paint the inner bucket chrome.
17 September 2019, 00:15

Depends on how risky you want to be... acetone usually loosens up CA glue... but it'll eat your paint as well as an appetiser. If you're REALLY careful and just dab some acetone (nail polish remover usually) around the edge you might be able to pry them out with a sharp knife. I'm not sure it's worth the risk though. You might just want to file that one away for "next time".
17 September 2019, 01:13

Yeah... acetone doesn't sound fun for a finished car... Yikes. Thanks for the info though!
17 September 2019, 01:40

Here is a link to a second album for the VW Buggy... The first had weird/faulty behavior with linkage. Also the buggy is done 😄 Project 047 -- VW Buggy | Album by chrisagreat (1:32)
18 September 2019, 04:25

Next project link... The VW album/link was weird, so here is a link to follow past the VW to the next project. Project 048 -- Hatsune Miku BMW Z4 GT3 Super GT | Album by chrisagreat (1:24)
25 September 2019, 22:42