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Dave Beenak (beenak_crazyman)

M54A2 1:35 AFV Club (OOB)

Photo 1 of 10


4 11 March 2020, 09:39
So I want to ask, how did you apply the dust?

I've read about having a box that you can fill with dust and then, blow air into it, to make the dust fly around until it settles on top of the surface.
 11 March 2020, 10:01
Dave Beenak Forfatter
dust is just dry pigment....the dirt is real dirt ground down to a fine powder then added over strategically placed pigment binder
 11 March 2020, 10:07
Bart Goesaert
fantastic job, and not only the model but also the pics....
 11 March 2020, 15:46
Bart has taken the words out my mouth. Stunning!
 11 March 2020, 15:55
Oops, I wrote "dust" above, I meant pigment powder. 🙂
 11 March 2020, 16:40
Rui S
Beautifuly done model and photos. an eye cacther 👍
 12 March 2020, 00:06
Dave Beenak Forfatter
cheers all
 12 March 2020, 05:49
I agree with Rui! Inspiring.
 12 March 2020, 14:54
Mr James
So good... The application of dusty pigment is superb. Brilliant job
 8 March 2024, 12:58

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