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21 4 August 2020, 02:30

I've been trying to figure out a good method to make a dynamic looking mud splash, and kind of settled on this technique but the more I look at it the less I like it, also I fucked up sealing the base so all of the resin leaked out so I think i'm going to pause on this guy and think my way through it. Also uploaded some of the images I've been looking at for reference. The splash is hot glue over a scaffold of clay, then I take the clay away and paint it.
14 August 2020, 23:34

lol amazing I was also looking at this video for reference: Youtube Video

14 August 2020, 23:51

Super cool & unique! 👍 Hope this makes it to the finish line, a bold idea & I like all the stuff on the pictures!
15 August 2020, 16:06

I love the splash, it really looks natural and your T-90 looks the part.
15 August 2020, 16:08

Indeed very cool, I once have seen a Japanese guy making waves with grinded down plastic bottle's for his splashing armour, i like this approach to
15 August 2020, 20:15

finished this guy, couldnt get the mud to work to my liking, oh well
1 September 2020, 03:37

It's hard to make a static model look dynamic without the actual motion a real world object has, so I can understand your frustrations about the mud splash not looking 'dynamic'. Still, the alternative turned out to be great as well! If we hadn't seen the splash pictures (real and hot glue ones), we wouldn't even have known what you're trying to aim at. Now, we are just equally amazed by the quality of that T-90 on a dirt road. 👍
1 September 2020, 14:45

It would have been great if the mudsplash would have worked, but with the result at hand, it´s hard to pity it actually did not turned out that way... this looks really great as is & the relaxed natural crew poses add a superb atmosphere to the scene - well done job! 👍
1 September 2020, 18:07
Album info
this is the thing I am working on on my kitchen table to keep from going crazy while I redid my workspace. I can finally start to paint thank heavens.