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20 2 October 2020, 19:14

Thanks mates! 👍
@Augustin: the cockpit is OOB...except the seat belts from Fine Molds. Very nice little kit and a joy to build!
30 December 2020, 13:55

Welcome Kees! Sadly I did mess up the paint job a bit. Spilled IJA grey over the NMF..... 🙁 Will have to polish that out and re-paint it later.
1 January 2021, 13:06

Thank's Spanjaard! 👍 To bo honest when it comes to NMFs I am still very much a beginner. After dodging NMFs for years I finally found the mental strength to make a first atempt 😄
1 January 2021, 20:00

Thank's again Spanjaard! I used AK's Extreme Metals. I think they're easy enough to use but stink like hell...
2 January 2021, 05:12

Since I had my circle cutter out (for my japanese 'what if' Me 262) I decided to continue with this baby.
24 February 2021, 19:57

Welcome Roland...und Danke! Für 'relatively new to the hobby' sind deine Bauten aber allererste Sahne, ganz besonders die Lackierung 👍
Well I usually get my buzz from Tamiya or Gunze paints 😛 AK's extreme metals takes that to a whole new level...however I still have an unused set of Alclad II sitting on my shelf simply because after taking a sniff I coundln't bring myself to spray that stuff....I know sounds silly 😉
25 February 2021, 17:19