Saab A 32A Lansen
Photo 1 of 45
76 4 October 2020, 08:05

Thanks Juergen and Henrik! Here's some more progress. The air brakes were very fiddly to build.
11 October 2020, 16:00

You are certainly doing an incredibly fine work here! I know how fiddly those PE air brakes are and I am not sure how you managed to attach those microscopic triangles... I am definitely going to watch this!
11 October 2020, 17:55

Props for rescribing. I have to watch this, can't cure my love for Heller kits - must be the boxarts after all😉
11 October 2020, 18:18

That is some really cool upgrading work on a very basic kit of the good old days👍
11 October 2020, 18:53

Thanks a lot guys!
@Thomas Kolb: First I tried to use CA glue on those tiny triangles. But that didn't work out. I then tried Revell's "FIX-kit" UV glue which only cures once you point an UV light at it. Like this I was able to take my time and position the triangles correctly.
15 October 2020, 12:57

Good to know Revell is selling it too 👍 Looks very similar to Bondic I got last week.
15 October 2020, 12:59

Yes, Łukasz, it's basically teh same thing. I have also used Bondic in the past but now I have the Revell stuff as my local hobby shop sells it.
15 October 2020, 13:46

Thanks Marc! The tool is from RB productions. I started using a tool from Trumpeter (the same is available from Revell) but really can't recommend those as they broke down after just one model was finished. They're all out of plastic (except the riveting wheel itself). The RB productions tool is more expensive but much better to use!
I've made some progress and opened/detailed the air brakes. Soon I'll be able to close the fuselage 🙂 I hope to make some more progress as I'm on vacation now - and due to the recent new lockdown in Germany this vacation is confined to our premises.
1 November 2020, 10:19

Ich liebe es , wenn man aus alten Bausätze mit eigenen Ideen und gekauften Zubehör mehr herausholt, als eigentlich vorgesehen ist. Tolle Umbauten bis jetzt , da bleibe ich natürlich dabei 😉
6 November 2020, 18:50

An old Lansen kit from Heller by Bernd Korte... Good news and fantastic progress!!
6 November 2020, 19:09

Thanks Stefan, Matthew, Oliver and Cuajete! I have to admit that most often the things I correct/add to a kit I've seen before in builds of fellow modellers! Before I start a project I do a thorough search for built models of the kit in question.
7 November 2020, 10:08

Any tips for working with vacuum canopies? Never worked with vacuum canopies myself (but I have such stuff in my stash).
7 November 2020, 11:34

As requested by treehugger - I am looking forward for Bernds tips on working with vacuformed canopies too.
I use "blue tack/patafix/..." and fill the masked inside of the canopy complettely. This is giving it a pretty good stiffness when cutting it with an "extra sharp/new" surgery blade. With that filling I reduce bending and moving of the thin material whilst cutting and normaly this works quite good. I interessted how you guy doing this,....
7 November 2020, 16:52

And Bernd - I am in...nice progress on this old kit. watching...🙂
7 November 2020, 16:54

Thanks for your comments, guys, that's very motivating!
I thought I had seen an answer from Thomas Kolb re the vacuum canopy question the other day but that seems to have disappeared.
Thomas and Jürgen seem to have more experience than me with vacu-formed canopies. I'd recommend to use a new scalpel blade, too! And I testfit the canopy all the time while I slowly sand the edges into the right shape. The blue tack strategy sounds also very good. Especially when you're working on a very thing and wobbly canopy.
Today I completet riveting the fuselage and I testfitted the wings (without any glue). Looks quite nice. But I think before mating the wings with the fuselage I'll now take care of the very empty landing gear wells.
8 November 2020, 17:16

Oops, I think I accidentally deleted my reply... Here is what I usually do with vac-formed model parts (not just canopies BTW): I first score the outlines with a black micron pen, just to have an idea where the edges of the parts are. I use a razor saw (fine tooth side) to cut out the parts, leaving about 5 mm of plastic. I then use a Dremel at 5000 RPM with a grinder stone to carefully grind away the excess plastic. You need to be careful, this tool really eats away the plastic! When I have only like 0.5 mm left, I switch to a sanding stick, continuously dry-fitting the part to make sure that it will fit without gaps. Juergen's tip with filling the inside with blu-tak is really great, it will help avoiding creating stress cracks. I will absolutely start doing that. Personally, I wouldn't use blades with vac-formed parts; they are quite hard and slipping with a fresh blade is scary.
8 November 2020, 17:36

Bernd, your Lansen sure starts to look impressing! Will you do it in NMF for Blue Petter, like in the illustration?
8 November 2020, 17:40

Thanks, Thomas! I'm aiming for the NMF plane as seen in the profile. The Moose Republic sheet 72001 offers those markings.
8 November 2020, 17:45

Thanks Laurent and Daniel! Yes, the Heller kit is quite basic but a very good base in my opinion. But you can add countless extra hours of work depending on how much detail work you want to achieve. Today I decided to rework the landing gear bay, for example...
Here you can see what I'm aiming at with that piece of carving foam:
14 November 2020, 20:46

Carving foam - die Lernkurve geht schon wieder steil nach oben !
15 November 2020, 09:54

@Oliver: Ja, das war in der Tat was komplett Neues für mich. Hat viel Spaß gemacht mit dem "Carving Foam" zu arbeiten!
@Laurent: Thanks!
21 November 2020, 15:24

Konturmesswerkzeug ! Google Übersetzer muss dem Schulenglisch heute Abend aber deutlich auf die Sprünge helfen !!! 🙂
21 November 2020, 18:27

Thanks bughunter! I always tell myself that the next kit will be some state of the art offering with minimal extra work... 😄
22 November 2020, 16:30

Nice progress with the gear bay! Judging by the amount of filler around the wing part, it looks like you have to struggle with this kit, but I am sure it will be worth it.
22 November 2020, 16:37

Yes, the fuselage - wing fit isn't the best. But I've seen worse. Perhaps the fit is compromised by my landing gear bay add-ons.
22 November 2020, 18:47

Some very busy and important looking details in that wheel well Bernd, looking very good !
23 November 2020, 13:07

Thanks Christian and Hanno! It seems there's always something else to improve: today I noticed that the navigation wing tip lights didn't exist in the kit, so I made my own from some scrap clear sprue.
12 December 2020, 21:38

Nice project, I nearly missed it. Really nice work so far.👍 Seems there are no easy way with the current kits to get a nice looking Lansen. 🙂
12 December 2020, 22:15

Thanks Daniel! Yes, the Tarangus kit seems to have its own challenges, so I decided to use what I already had - Heller's old kit.
I just completed the basic NMF paint job today 🙂
23 December 2020, 15:40

That big effort paid off Bernd.. That superdetailing work..
No one would believe you started this with the Heller 👍
23 December 2020, 21:56

Thanks for all your comments! The paint job is now done. Next I'll spray some Future as a gloss base for the decals. We're approaching one of my favourite modelling steps!
28 December 2020, 11:17

Thanks Spanjaard and Dutch! Today I finished the decal work. The Moose Republic decals worked fine. Now onto some light weathering!
30 December 2020, 16:34

Thanks Cuajete and Christian!
The Lansen is now done 🙂 I'm pleased with the result - there's only a little flaw on the canopy that I couldn't fix anymore. Time to tidy up the work bench for the next project. And I'll do a display base for the Lansen, too. However, this time I'll use some other materials for the base than what I used for making my B-58's tarmac.
2 January 2021, 19:22

Superb result, especially the air brakes and wheel well interior deatailing. Excellent NMF finish !
2 January 2021, 19:31

Flugzeuge in leichtmetall und eisenfarben sind einfach Dein Ding - da setzt Du Maßstäbe !
2 January 2021, 23:50

Thanks for all your comments, they are always a great motivation! I don't know, but I like to work with these older kits from time to time. When I look at my albums here on scalemates the ratio of old/not that old kits is almost 50/50. The next project will be a much more recent issue though!
3 January 2021, 08:27

I started work on the display base as I was eager to try "Sculptamold" for the first time. I had only heard good things about it in some tutorial youtube videos and wanted to use it to create a small patch od soil in one corner of the display, where the tarmac ends. If you don't know him yet, you need to check out Luke Towan's youtube channel: Youtube Video

3 January 2021, 14:50

This is an absolute beauty - the panels and the metal surface is first class. Unbelievable that you built this from the Heller kit!
4 January 2021, 10:32

Very nice result, unbelievable what you made out of the old Heller kit. Will look great on that little base at the end.
4 January 2021, 11:45

Will that be snow in the corner? Pretty Scandinavian if you ask me...
4 January 2021, 19:52

Absolutely outstanding work, Bernd. The metal finish is perfect! Cheers.
5 January 2021, 10:08

Great result, I like it very much. All the best in the new year. 👍
5 January 2021, 10:44

@Thomas Kolb: I'm glad you like the outcome! Your Lansen build was part of my motivation!
You're right, it looks a bit like dirty snow in the picture. That could have been a plan, too! But I already covered that spot with some sifted dirt from our garden. I'll continue work on the weekend and post a new photo.
@Neuling, Daniel Mysak, Bernd Grün and Bernhard Pethe: Thanks a lot for your comments and a happy new year to all of you, too! I just recently started to add display bases to my models. The first being the base for my B-58. So there's still lots to learn!
6 January 2021, 18:33

Some more progress on the display. It all comes together now!
8 January 2021, 17:46

And how it comes together! What a splendid result, your hard work pays off. First class show stopper!
9 January 2021, 21:27

Thanks to all of you for your comments and for following this project! Today the small type plate arrived in the post and I was able to complete the base - bringing it all to an end. Now off to the display cabinet!
16 January 2021, 11:14

Thanks again! I've added a photo of the display cabinet where the Lansen has now taken her place. As you can see shelf space is already running low... And no, I don't think I'll be able to just put away all the other stuff that's already in there - besides my models 😄
21 January 2021, 17:06

Bernd, seems that you are going to have to choose between your models and the family in the display cabinet 😄
21 January 2021, 18:49

Not real a question of choice in my opinion🙂
There is enough space on the wall
21 January 2021, 18:53

Yap, and those frames all come with an option for wallmounting 🙂
The kits do not....
21 January 2021, 19:24

Yeah, well. I'm more than happy that - apart from the models in the display cabinet - two nice aviation themed prints by Romain Hugault have already made their way on our living room's walls. I guess I don't want to push my luck too much...😄
14 February 2021, 09:44

Having missed this one in its entirety….may I be the last to say 'well done' ?!
16 January 2023, 20:59

Quite some effort put into this. I pull my hat for rescribing this lad. I am still anxious how I will fare with my Safir. Very good result.
17 January 2023, 17:22

Thanks a lot for your kind words! I was happy to see this older thread again resurfacing!
It was a fun project. From time to time I like working with these old kits.
18 January 2023, 13:41
Album info
Heller's venerable and accurate Lansen kit, rescribed and equipped with add-ons from Master, Maestro Models and Moose Republic Decals.