NHS Spit on a Stick.

Great piece of carpentry Sir, hats off!😉 Surprised to see your build being so neat and clean 😛

A very beautiful present for your step daughter! She shure deserved it! Hopefully she also got a very early vaccination!

Thanks very much for your nice comment mates, I'm glad you like it. 🙂 👍
She has seen the photos and is very pleased with it - unlike many younger women she things my models are "coooool". I've told her boyfriend that it's only held on with magnets so that he can fly it around the flat - which no doubt he probably will. 😄

that is a beautiful present, i love it. well deserved, no doubt. medical personnel all around the globe deserved always our praises. And now a lot more than ever.
i need to remember your "Wharevaaaa" technique, it will be applicable plenty of times 🙂 i love your introduction to this build, by the way.

I completely agree Spanjaard - The medical personnel in every country have been the real hero of the hour, whist many politicians should be hanging their heads in shame.
Thanks very much mate. 🙂 👍

Well Mate, your presentation made me LOLLLL, just as usual 😄. Great & beautiful Idea and better yet execution 👍. Congratulations.
P.S. Don't forget to tell us RAF reply 😄😉

Gorby, I would not have you pegged for a sentimental sort. And a model in one true scale to boot! Jolly good show 👍
Your daughter has my admiration for doing what she does.

Where have I been ? That's a great idea. I love the project name - at least it wasn't 'Up the nose' or 'down the throat' !!

Gorby, all my respect and admiration for "your daughter". Health personnel have been a great support of this pandemic. In many places they have not been as recognized as they should be.
Very nice Spit. Congrats!

Great Spit! The whole description cracked me up! Me and some modelbuddies have a saying when our efforts to fix something go in vein: "den peirazei modelling" which means something like "Never mind modelling".
My thanks to your doctor daughter, despite her having nothing to do with Greece! It's been hell everywhere and they deserve our recognition, wherever they work, for the lives they saved and for the grief they faced when nothing was left to do anymore.

Thanks very much mates! 👍
My daughter did eleven months in total on Covid/ICU wards. It was baptism of fire as it was her first year as a doctor. A very harrowing experience for her, to the point where she even considered giving up medicine as a career entirely. I'll pass your lovely comments on to her. 🙂

Beautiful model and a very fitting tribute to all who work for the NHS.

Here here, Tony. I'm so glad this has popped up again, as I missed it the first time around. It seems to me, that one can always spot when something has been produced with love......

Thanks you Tony & Bruce.
The effort the NHS went to to battle the bat plague was nothing short of heroic. Shame the government has forgotten that now.

Wish my family even understood my hobby. They see it as "play things" and then comes the "let me feel how it looks". I thought a cat would be the worst. He ignores them all. The pet dander is a killer though. Air purifiers in abundance and we have lessened the weekly model baths🤪

My family are pretty supportive with my hobby, probably because it's a damn sight cheaper than photography or motorbikes 😄 . My daughter has even said my models are "Cool", although she was probably just humouring me. I understand about the pet hair problem as I have a very fluffy Golden Retriever who moults/sheds continually. Fortunately she's at the top of my 'most important things in my life' list (don't tell my wife though 😉 ) and modelling is muuuuch further down the list, so I not really fussed about it if a giantly over-scale hair intrudes on my photos.
Thanks for taking the time to comment. 👍

Gotta love our fur babies. My mini-pincher chihuahua (Good Sir Chooch-a-Rooney the grumpy) can't get close to my kits and the cat ( Simba, daughter named him) could care less unless I'm at the bench. Still, gotta love them. This year all my boys are Gundam for Christmas.
Album info
I'm a bit bored with the British obsession with Spitfires, but my step-daughter gave me this kit at Christmas, so I had to build it. Doing in the usual camo scheme would have caused me to fall into a coma at the mere thought, which is why opted for this. Some of the more observant amongst you may have noticed that this is completely the wrong version of Spit, but let me stop you there. I wasn't going to say anything, I just wanted to stop you.
I realised to late in the day that I really should have filled some holes under the wings, but I decided to employed a technique that I've seen used by a few master modellers that I admire and recently I've started to get quite good at. I ignored the problem and hoped it went away.
I believe it's called the 'Wharevaaaa' method. Which I'm told is Latin for 'I really don't give a monkey's' and recalls the tale of the Ancient Modeller (Christ, narrow it down there's loads on here) which recounts the story of an heroic quest to give a damn. It ends with the Ancient Modeller dramatically failing as he finds he really can't be arsed - but in an epic saga dactylic hexameter sort of way of course, to make it look a lot more important than it really is.
Aaannnyyway… Obviously some of you who aren't colour blind will probably want to talk about the wrong shade of blue in the roundels. I've no idea why the RAF have been using the wrong colour for so many years. You'll need to ask them.
It's stuck up the pole with magnets and the oak base is the most carpentry I've done in the past year – damn you bat-plague! All the makings are done with home made masks.
I generally enjoyed the build, but my greatest worry is that my last five builds have been 1/72! I must be turning into a freakish heathen. 🙁
My step-daughter is an NHS doctor who has been working on the Covid/ICU ward since the start of the pandemic. That's why (when rules and regulations allow) I'm going to give the Spit back to her as a gift to thank her for the amazing work she has been doing. I'm very, very proud of her - so from now on I'll be calling her my daughter. 🙂