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John Brophy (Washout)

Red Army Matilda

Photo 1 of 11


15 25 February 2021, 17:32
Rui S
Very good Paint job and result 👍 Dio coming?
 7 May 2021, 19:30
John Brophy Forfatter
Thanks. It's only my third model, so I've still got a lot to learn. It might be a while before I move onto trying a diorama.
 9 May 2021, 18:47
DJ Fajardo
Third model?! The chipped white wash & mud looks great 👍
 10 May 2021, 18:12
John Brophy Forfatter
Cheers. It helps that here's so much guidance on various YouTube channels and all the various products available. Just trying to use a new technique/product on each model.
 10 May 2021, 19:34

Project info

11 bilder
1:35 Matilda Mk.III/IV (Tamiya 35355)

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