April 2021 - Pandemic - Work in progress!Se: Lysbildefremvisning Mosaikk Liste 1April 9, 2021Step 16 and sidecar completed (09.04.2021). 2April 1, 2021Step 1,2,3 and 4. 3April 1, 2021Step 5,6,7,8,and 9 4April 4, 2021Step 10,11,12 5April 4, 2021Step 13 6April 6, 2021Step 14 and 15 7April 9, 2021Step 17. The "gun metal" color recommended by the instructions is incorrect. Much better "Matt Aluminum", for example A.MIG-0194. (09.04.2021). 8April 10, 2021Step 18 (10.04.2021). 9April 12, 2021Step 19 (11.04.2021). 10April 12, 2021Step 20 (12.04.2021). 11April 14, 2021Step 21, 22, 23 (14.04.2021). 12April 16, 2021 13April 16, 2021 14April 16, 2021 15April 28, 2021Step 27, 28 and 29. (28.04.2021) 16May 9, 2021Step 33 17May 9, 2021Step 33. (08.05.2021) 18May 27, 2021Step 34 19May 27, 2021Step 35. 20May 27, 2021Step 36, 37. 21August 18, 2021Step 51. 22August 18, 2021Step 60, 61. (16/08/2021) Kommentarer 8 1 April 2021, 10:15Bart GoesaertNice start 4 April 2021, 06:13Project infoZündapp KS750 with Sidecar22 bilder1:9PåbegyntZündapp KS750 Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945)Pz.Lehr Brig. WH-1264347September 1941 World War 2»Operation Barbarossa RAL7021 Dunkelgrau Alle albumSe alle albumer »