Bridge Over Troubled Water
Photo 1 of 114
120 25 July 2021, 08:13

This is a project I've been working on for more than a year now on and off. It contains a Sherman Crab, a Universal Carrier and a Bailey Bridge along with a couple of figures. The figures being British infantry at rest, 2 visible crew members of the Crab and 3 crew members of the Carrier. The idea is to make a diorama which depicts a quiet part of the Allied advance in Europe in which the Crab crosses the Bailey Bridge and the Carrier, it's crew and infantry are waiting and chatting near the side of the road and bridge.
25 July 2021, 08:32

Featured in the album is what I have so far: the Crab which is nearly finished building, the carrier which is finished. Next step for both is to paint them. Currently in process of painting the figures and still have to finish building the bridge. The driver of the Crab is finished painting and is attached in the hull.
25 July 2021, 08:34

Thanks guys. Finally finished building the bridge. Only left is attaching the rope on both sides of the bridge on the poles.
30 July 2021, 18:37

I bet there were many hours work just assembling each panel, before you could start erecting the bridge! Looks like it can easily support that beast of a tank! Following with interest ?
30 July 2021, 22:13

@Bruce Huxtable if you're talking about me ? it took me indeed many hours before I had something that at least looked a bit like a bridge. One of the reasons it took me quite some time to complete the bridge.
31 July 2021, 16:03

I've painted the carrier black as a base color from where I can start doing some preshading. Also primed the Crab, some figures and some rifles with grey paint.
6 March 2022, 20:10

The Universal Carrier has been painted in it's base colour. A mix of US light green and green zinc chrome of Vallejo Model Air.
12 March 2022, 20:05

I gave the Crab it's base color. First painted the black with the airbrush. Then used the same mix for the green as the Carrier. Just a slightly different ratio.
27 March 2022, 14:31

Painted almost all details on the Crab. Now in the process of adding washes and chipping.
3 April 2022, 19:42

I've started to wheater the Sherman Crab. The vehicle got a drybrush with German camouflage beige of Vallejo and a green brown wash also of Vallejo.
I'm gonna make the front of the Sherman and the flail installation more dusty.
9 April 2022, 19:05

Thanks! I've finished the Bronco tracks. They are on the Crab now. Wheatering will be done together with the lower part of the hull and bogies.
18 April 2022, 17:59

Looking good. I see you managed to bend the large resin plate behind the rotor. With those crates you got a unique crab over there.
18 April 2022, 20:04

Thanks Steven. In the conversion set there was no resin plate. Just a big PE one.
19 April 2022, 06:29

Your conversion set was numbered 1133, mine was numbered 133. I guess my Resicast set was an older one. Still glad you sent me your copy of the instruction manual because without that and your building report on MB it would have been alot harder for me to build this Crab.
19 April 2022, 19:12

Thanks guys! When I started building the Crab 2 years ago I didn't think I'dd pull it off so I'm glad people like how it turned out so far.
20 April 2022, 08:27

Thanks guys! There were a lot of breaks while building the Crab in which I worked on other projects.
20 April 2022, 19:24

Added pics of the Crab commander which will be in the turret. It's a figure from a Tamiya carrier kit. Not impressed by the way his shoes are sculpted, but I like the upper part of the figure.
29 May 2022, 07:29

Thanks Rui! I
I've deleted the pics of the Crab commander and replaced them by pics of the finished figure. Also placed him in the turret and added a pic of it.
29 May 2022, 17:57

The first infantry figure of the Master Box set is as good as finished.
5 June 2022, 18:39

2nd Master Box figure is also finished. There's a big difference in plastic figures like this one and resin figures which I'm using more and more. Although this is not the best figure I've done until now I'm still happy with it.
7 June 2022, 19:08

Added binoculars to the first finished Master Box figure and finished the first of three Universal Carrier crew members. The Carrier crew is included in the Tamiya Carrier kit I used for this project.
17 June 2022, 18:48

The 2nd member of the Tamiya Carrier crew is finished. Really satisfied with how this one turned out.
9 July 2022, 16:32

The 4th and last member of the Master Box set is finished. It turned out ok.
22 July 2022, 18:38

@Robin I'm about halfway through when it comes to figure painting. 🙂 Still around 8 figures to go.
24 July 2022, 08:51

Thanks David! 🙂
And another British infantry man is done. It's a Resicast figure.
30 October 2022, 19:52

Finished the last Tamiya Carrier crew member. 7 figures to go including the commander of the 2nd Sherman Crab.
13 November 2022, 19:39

Added two pics of the base of this diorama, it's getting in shape. Finally started painting the Bailey bridge.
22 May 2023, 07:03

It's all coming together really well - this is going to be a stunner!
22 May 2023, 08:39

My word there's some bloody good work going into this. All skills on full display.
29 May 2023, 19:26

Thank you guys! Added two pics of how the water looks like at this point.
13 June 2023, 09:48

Added pics of the finished water and also the scenery of the base is finished.
20 June 2023, 09:12

Lovely painting on the Tommie's 🙂 The Sherman is beautifully painted and weathered along with the Bren carrier.
9 July 2023, 21:28

2 more figures finished. That leaves 4 figures to be finished together with some other small parts. The end is coming in sight for this (big) project. 🙂
23 July 2023, 10:31

This project is done. If anyone is interested in more pictures, just let me know and I'll upload more.
3 August 2023, 12:05

Masterpiece indeed, it certainly shows the logistics nightmare of those moments, fantastic in every detail
3 August 2023, 12:54

Thank you! I'm a bit overwhelmed by the very positive comments and the high amount of likes of this project! 🙂
5 August 2023, 09:16

Wohoo! Fantastic dio!!
You must have needed a lot of time and passion for this - and it paid off 👏
5 August 2023, 09:19

God, just love everything on this diorama- the subject matter, the weathering, even the British soldiers have personality! 💕💕💕
11 February 2024, 16:49