Heinkel He 219
Photo 1 of 126
35 5 August 2021, 17:19

Like the idea of where to place weight. Gives me loads of info for when i build mine 🙂
8 August 2021, 21:43

Hello Jorge, I will follow your work here with interest. I have a 1:32 Bf 110 nightfighter in my stash and hope to get some inspiration.
By the way: do you have trust that your nose wheel will hold such an amount of weight over time? Or are you going to reinforce it? I have a 72nd Me 262 and believe the leg is already creaping sideways after a few months.
28 December 2021, 08:19

AK84. Hi.I think I must answer you with a No. I don`t thrust 😁. But I didn`t think on how to solve that issue yet.
28 December 2021, 19:30

Have a search for Synthetic Ordnance Works replacement legs for it. They are fantastic and very strong.
28 December 2021, 19:35

Meanwhile I´ve got some big gaps between the engine nacelles and the lower side of the wing that could have been avoided. I`ve done this mistake a couple of times and still didn`t learn. All aircraft kits start the wing assembly by joining the upper and lower parts first. With twin engines (or more) like this that is most probably a mistake. I think that the nacelles should be glued first to the lower half part of the wing. Doing this the wing will easily contour the shape of the nacelle. Joining the two halfs first will give rigidity to the wing and some how change the shape needed to join the nacelle later. I hope I made my self understandable. Thankyou.
28 December 2021, 19:44

Jorge, I sugest you edit the settings of the album and use the last image as the Teaser, not the first - using the first does not show us the work you are progressing with...
28 December 2021, 22:32

Yes Ricardo. I don`t think I could do these lines with the Revell paint. Well , I can do it but it would take a lot of time. 😁
12 January 2022, 17:15

that camo looks great
lots of lead inside. i hope you did nto use cyano to glue it.... i have heard some really horrible about the reaction of cyano and lead over time... sorry if i am too late
18 January 2022, 23:51

Spanjaard....Yes I have heard those warnings to. Yes I did use cyano in the small pieces. The large ones are glued with epoxy. I`m not worried with that. All my finished models will have the same destiny 😁
19 January 2022, 11:05

Really nice camo!
Haven't heard of that issue with cyano & lead ballast............tell me more 😖. All my recent builds have this mix inside 🤔
19 January 2022, 11:48

I read that in some posts here in SCM. for what i remember sometimes there is a reaction over very long periods of time (many years) that in some cases can make burst the seams of the model.... i hope that will not happen to you.
there was even a link to pictures of such a problem. but i can not remember what thread it was....
19 January 2022, 13:52

I also read those posts but I have no idea where it was. Anyway I use to repeat the same mistakes again and again so this is one more 😁
19 January 2022, 21:38

Did another search in the 'lectric brain and got a hit on an FSM thread which discussed the cyano-lead issue but was rather inconclusive. Sort of Yes/No/Maybe; it depends!! I've saved the discussion and will post it ........somewhere 😎
20 January 2022, 10:01

Alan.It`s foil. It`s «like» the Bare Metal Foil but it`s a cheap one from a chinese store.
30 January 2022, 12:37

Ah ok. Thanks Jorge. I have a Molotow Liquid Chrome pen i use. Never gone down the foil route
30 January 2022, 12:40

Excellent trabalho 👍 muito interessante Jorge.
Essa folha de alumínio não cria uma junta visível mesmo que não haja sobreposição?
30 January 2022, 14:42

Rui S. Sim. A sobreposição e a junta está lá mas o cromado não deixa ver. Eu não consigo.
30 January 2022, 17:12

Finished and those are the photos you have to show? Come on, take some good pictures, we want to see!!!
6 March 2022, 20:44

Ricardo unfortunately I`m not a photographer. You know that. 😁
6 March 2022, 21:16