Gun deck, 18th century
62 2 November 2021, 19:12

Villiers de Vos
This little kit was given to me as a present to introduce me to the world of wooden ship building. It ended up as a shelf queen while I was looking for specific tools. As soon as I complete my current project, the Drakkar, I will be able to complete this little model.
2 November 2021, 20:09

The Barrel of the cannon really looks like cast iron! And the idea of this "Diorama" is very interesting.I like it !
26 January 2022, 15:46

@Mathias and Roland, thank you. Work has stalled a little bit for the moment.
26 January 2022, 15:51

@Jv, thank you.
@Alain and JD, thank you for the like.
28 January 2022, 03:41

@Bart, very little remains to be done. The most complex is the gun tackle. I just need to glue my backside to a chair for a day or two 🙂
29 January 2022, 10:56

Love the metal treatment here. I like the subject too, the gun deck is a good idea.
30 January 2022, 14:26

@Guy, Hugh and Rui (GrenadeBait), thank you for your comments and likes.
11 February 2022, 08:05

Thank you Rui. The project has been stagnating a little bit. I hope to resume work on it later in May again.
12 February 2022, 19:11

That is correct PanzerMeister12. I also plan to add a few more organizers to my work station.
18 February 2022, 20:11

what is that cabinet sort of thing in the background of the first picture are the hooks to hold paints
3 March 2022, 01:03

@Charlie, that is an organizer/cradle which I use to store tools, materials and paints. Since that picture were taken, organizer has been populated with more tools, etc. I consider it an essential tool.
3 March 2022, 04:07