Grunau BabyII
Photo 1 of 14
18 27 December 2021, 11:08

Need something differrent than S70 interior surgery (😉)...started the Baby
27 December 2021, 11:21

I am on. Have this in my stash too. I am anxious how you manage the paint job on the wings. Looks promising.
27 December 2021, 13:37

Following - of course. The Grunau Baby was also produced locally in Greece, in the late '30s by the firm of Antonius Raab, the last example flying still in the '50s... - and this kit is also in my sights. I'll watch this project with pleasure and great interest...
27 December 2021, 19:43

Finally I was able to take some photos of this litte glider. It was finished right after seasons break, but I was busy with other stuff.
13 February 2022, 17:25

Servus Jürgen, wieder ein top gebautes und lackiertes Modell von dir. Gratuliere! Viel kann ja nicht mehr fehlen, und du hast alle jemals beim Bundesheer geflogenen Maschinen beisammen.
15 February 2022, 17:13

Hallo Stefan - Danke für dein Kommentar. Und ja, meine Sammlung wird grösser - aber mir kommt vor die Liste der hier zulande geflogenen Typen wird einfach nicht kürzer ...das Thema wird mich noch a Zeiterl beschäftigen 😉
15 February 2022, 17:33

Charlie - your a right. The bird that was built in Coldiz Castle looks quite similar. I guess someone from the prisoners had the grunau concept/plans in his mind (BabyII first flight was in 1933 as far as I know).
thx, Alec.
5 March 2022, 10:19