Tamiya M18 Hellcat (1:35)
21 22 April 2022, 18:29

Nicely weathered tank!
The whole thing is a very good work👍
But I'm not sure what the poses of the figures are supposed to me.
Some of them look more relaxed and others are more in action.
I'm not quite sure how it fits together.
But that could just be my point of view.
However, good job!
18 July 2022, 08:07

Hi Simon,
thanks for your appreciation and comments.
The idea was, that the US GIs were very careful while exploring new areas and some (tank crew) are more estonished by the aqueduct, while others (infantry) are more cautiously, before passing through the building.
But as it seems not to be apparently for the viewer,
I missed the „story telling" of my diorama.
I will consider to rearrange the soldiers.😊
18 July 2022, 22:13

Hi Andy!
I hope you didn't take my views too harshly😁
I already figured that was your idea.
Maybe I just need a second look.
Anyway, still like your work👍
Ps.: thanks for your likes!
19 July 2022, 03:13

Hi Simon,
no problem, your comments are welcome.
I am glad to get some feedback from professional modelers as you.
This will help me, to evolve in modeling.
Unfortunately, I don't have friends close to me, who share this hobby,
to get some hints from them.
So, I am happy to have joined this forum to share/discuss about modeling 🙂
19 July 2022, 14:19