Matchbox | No. PK-32 | 1:72 | North American F-86A Sabre
Photo 1 of 30
103 6 May 2022, 12:49

Watching with interest, of course! When I was a kid, Matchbox models were rarely available here in Poland and recognized as top quality ones.
6 May 2022, 15:51

Cheers for the likes mates! Really great to have all your interest 👍 I'm chuffed! ☺️ This lovely old Matchbox kit will be a longer haul as I'm working on finishing other multiple builds... So this will be an 'in-betweenie' Just to keep me occupied! Thanks again guys 👍👍
7 May 2022, 12:01

Wow, I remember building that several times…. Talk about bringing back memories … looking forward to this one
10 May 2022, 17:04

Hello mates 🙂 Ha!... Excellent. A (jet) 'blast from the past' for us all! 👍
11 May 2022, 08:08

Whoa whoa, I can smell my childhood. Matchbox itself is attractive already, not to mention the nice build.
22 July 2022, 15:52

Looking at photo 4 and all the tiny sprue attachment points. 46 years ago Matchbox were able to do this. 2022 and still no one else can....
22 July 2022, 16:10

Great progress so far! How is your experience with the Vallejo Metal Colors?
22 July 2022, 21:08

Thanks for commenting chaps 👍 Chan Li, that's very kind of you to say. I agree Roy, it's a decently formed old kit that shames some newer ones for sure 👍😆
23 July 2022, 22:40

Hi Mid Franconian, thanks very much 👍 I find them easy to work with, give good coverage, though I'd advise using a lower PSI as they're thinner. And also they seem to hold up to a bit of a polish/scrape dry brush effect well.
24 July 2022, 09:22

I did this 20 years ago, I wonder how it will turn out for you, Following!
9 September 2022, 17:39

Hiya Oleg 🙂 Fantastic! Good to hear. Yeah it's an oldie (like us)! Thanks for the comment, here's hoping I do it some justice. Thanks also mates for the likes 👍
10 September 2022, 18:20

Thanks Bernd for your interest and comment - agree childhood memories all round on this one - I'm enjoying it also, it's like I'm 10 again! Thanks also to those who've liked - very kind 🙂 I'm getting close to finishing.
3 January 2023, 17:09

Cheers Gorby 👍 and thanks Guy, appreciated and to thanks others for recent likes, most kind.
17 January 2023, 21:29

Great looking so far, Neil! The decals look like they held up OK. I have this kit in my stash to do one day, as the Canadair Sabre Mk.1
17 February 2023, 16:00

Thanks for your kind comment Gordon 🙂 it's like reliving your childhood building it!
4 March 2023, 00:05

Your skill shines through again in getting this 70s beauty into shape. Impressed again with your metal work 🙂
6 June 2023, 20:10

Yes, a classic from our (my) childhood for sure!... You're too kind Mr James. Thanks very much for saying that 🙂👍
11 June 2023, 10:49

Hi Jan and Guy 🙂 thanks very much for stopping by and saying such nice things 👍👍
12 November 2023, 22:36

Considering how old the kit is, bang on finish. Between your good self and Mr Rump, my neck is killing me, the amount of kits you both put out is giving me severe swivel (Ooh er missus ' ) 👍🤣🤟🥸🤘🤣🖖
22 February 2024, 10:27

Thanks mates! You're all very kind to take time out to comment. I'm chuffed and pleased as always that you guys like anything I show 🙂 I really enjoyed this one. Made me feel like I was a child all over again, cycling to the newsagents (or Woolworths!) to buy another kit. @Mark - tbh I'm a bit conscious that I keep appearing on the feed lately, apologies to anyone - a lot are not new. I'm just playing catch-up... I bought a folding photobooth thing from a well know auction site and have been updating albums with nicer final reveal pictures... Plus... I'd like to suggest that we could have a Matchbox group build as an annual event? I love a Matchbox kit 🙂
22 February 2024, 11:15

I think the Matchbox GB should just be immortal. Like the kits!
Open ended, no closing date.
22 February 2024, 12:54

Thanks Robert mate 🙂 @Roy, agreed. Was it you who created the last one?... Let's do another one. I'll be in for sure! 😁
22 February 2024, 15:03

Neil mate, don't be conscious about posting. I enjoy perusing the finished product's. If I like it I'll hit the button, if not I'll be bashing some plastic, or my geriatric bod' at the gym, or bashing some pints in T'Club to get over the gym. 🤘🥸🤟
22 February 2024, 22:27
Album info
The North American F-86 Sabre, sometimes called the Sabrejet, is a transonic jet fighter aircraft. Produced by North American Aviation, the Sabre is best known as the United States' first swept-wing fighter that could counter the swept-wing Soviet MiG-15 in high-speed dogfights in the skies of the Korean War (1950–1953), fighting some of the earliest jet-to-jet battles in history.

Matchbox 50th anniversary group build
1. April 2022 til 31. Desember 2023
1. April 2022 til 31. Desember 2023