Marineflieger F-104G
Photo 1 of 12
76 8 January 2023, 15:31

I absolutely love the faded grey. Stunning rendition of this iconic jet! Wow, wow, wow!!!
10 January 2023, 08:16

Tolle Lackierung mit dem verblassten Grau und dem leicht verwitterten Leuchtorange. Top. So soll mein Starfighter auch mal aussehen.
10 January 2023, 13:30

Thank you guys!
@ Michael: bei Fragen, einfach fragen. Freu mich immer, wenn ich helfen kann.
10 January 2023, 13:45

Schöner Vogel, gefällt mir gut! Besonders das Silbergrau der Unterseite ist gut getroffen.👍👍👍
11 January 2023, 08:50

I think I am not the only one who would appreciate a word or two on the paints you used and the weathering techniques you applied.
11 January 2023, 09:57

Wowza, what a lovely rendition of the Starfighter! Excellent atmospheric work !
16 January 2023, 20:38

Just looking at a 104 makes me want to build another one - happily of the Eduard/Hasegawa variety, how was the Kinetic build? Detail-wise it surely looks the job!
Lovely finish too - a rather unremarkable pattern made just super cool through the just right amount of mildly dramatic shading 🙂 The Orange contrasts are superb too - a really spot-on look and great result! 👍
17 March 2023, 19:27

Thank you very much, Slavo!
The Kinetic kit is a gem. It´s no comparision to their other kits. Very detailed, maybe except the Sidewinder reels under the belly which I therefore left aside.
The Kormorans were added from Eduard as only another pair of external fuel tanks are provided in the kit.
29 March 2023, 09:24

Absolutely spot-on just what Slavo those one-o-four!
17 April 2023, 18:30