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Tamas Nemeth (ntom)

Building the Fokker Dr.I

Photo 1 of 15


19 14 May 2023, 16:57
Robin long
Museum-level painting, looking forward to the finished work
 14 May 2023, 23:58
Rui S
I fully agree. 👍
 20 May 2023, 12:29
Sy Bar
Your work is fantastic. If you can add more info such as colours used for example on the leather seats etc you'd help out us poor mortal kit bashers.
Keep up the amazing work
 11 December 2023, 08:36
Alexander Clayson
My word, lovely. That wood work 👌
 11 December 2023, 15:30
Ethan Flory
Amazing work on the interior and engine!!
 11 December 2023, 17:38
Tamas Nemeth Forfatter
Thank you!
 12 December 2023, 23:27
Tamas Nemeth Forfatter
I have this project on hold until I finish the AEG G.IV.
 12 December 2023, 23:29
Tamas Nemeth Forfatter
Alexander Clayson: For the woodwork, the credit goes to the Quinta Studio 3D decals 🙂
 12 December 2023, 23:31

Project info

15 bilder
1:32 Fokker Dr.I Triplane (Meng Model QS-002)1:32 Fokker Dr.1 interior 3D decals (Quinta Studio QD32050)

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