Album (21)
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19 bilder
Platz FW-190 D-9
Made a better base with some vehicles and pilots
Prosjekt: Platz FW-190s
9 bilder
Had this sitting half done on my shelf, so one day i completed it. Quite easy and fun build.
Prosjekt: GWH F15J
37 bilder
The Volkswagen MTV Most Mobile Bus
The bus is going to be standing on a copy of the book we had and that is also present in the front
Prosjekt: The MTV Most Mobile Bus
3 bilder
Mirage Hobby U-295
Rudders with PE added here only. On the bridge there will only be 3 guns and 2 periscopes without railing out of the box.
Prosjekt: Mirage Hobby Subs 1/400
37 bilder
Type XXI with interior and lights
One of many light tests
Prosjekt: Type XXI with interior and lights