Om meg
- Navn:
- Alan Gonick
- Kallenavn:
- Alan Gonick
- Land:
Amerikas forente stater
- By:
- Ontario California
- Medlem siden:
- March 7, 2024
- Fellesskap:
- (Paper modeling) (Gundam modeling) (Train modeling) (Diecast models) (RC modeling)
I build model cars, normally custom cars, but sometime street rod and race cars. I also collect 60s-80s memorabilia; I have a large collection of Batmobiles. I also post a lot of car show and racing pictures on my FB page alanphotostorystudio
I have been building since 1967. I started a model car show( contest and swap) in 1998. The Show… The SoCal Classic. The show helped establish several classes and trends. The show was the first to have a Lowrider category. No other major show had this class. Within 2 years there were 3 Lowrider classes with a total of over 200 models. I was asked to author articles for LowRider Bicycle magazine. I mainly wrote technical articles. I ended the SoCal Classic after the 15th year. After the show I stopped building for a few years( I had burned out). I the started attend car shows and road racing event and also started another hobby. photography. My page can be seen on FaceBook “alanphotostorystudio” page. Just before ( I had other health issues) Covid I started building again. I am a slow builder… so since I have completed 4 model but currently working on 4 other project ( as of 2024) When entering I display my GSL awarded car, the Almanac ( the Klingon Kruiser ). I now host a model car club meeting (every month) at Pegasus Hobbies in Upland CA
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