Airco Dh.2 Eduard 1/72
- Skala:
- 1:72
- Status:
- Fullført
- Påbegynt:
- February 19, 2022
- Fullført:
- October 19, 2022
- Tid brukt:
- 60
EDUARD kit wit minor adjustments, modifyed the pilot seat, lowered the elevator surfaces and aded some wire- All the ridging was made with 4 different diameter threads.
4 19 October 2022, 22:07

anyone knows why pictures are upside down?
I allready tryed edit them on Photoshop and still are upside down when uploded
19 October 2022, 22:23

Hi Eduardo, I had the same problem here: Harvest! | Album by Finn (1:72). No matter how I tried to flip the pictures they still ended up wrong. I never figurer out why but now I make sure to take the simpelest pictures using my camera only (not phone). I've just sent the question to support.
20 October 2022, 06:58

Just got this from bughunter:
May be on your PC the pictures are automatically rotated due to embedded EXIF information. But this can be fixed easily here!
After uploading your pictures select the "Manage" button of your Album (here you can manage the order of the pics and add descriptions). On top of the pics (right side) switch on the "Advanced options". This allows a rotation of individual pictures.
20 October 2022, 07:25