Schwere 24cm Kanone M.16 (t)
Siege of Leningrad
- Skala:
- 1:35
- Status:
- Fullført
- Tid brukt:
- many years on and off
KRAUTKITS kit completely with the platform and base; painting of the base (exept the black sides) is finished. Now its just the gun and the Crew left to get finished finally
29 August 2016, 15:48

Was able to finish the gun crew during the last week. I´m satisfied how they turned out. They are DRAGON Artillery Crew out of the box with different Hornet heads. I just changed the arm from the one Richtkanonier as I wanted to depict him climbing up to his station at the gun properly.
How the heck the Pictures are turning sidewarts now? at my computerfile they are shown correctly upwart. Can someone help me out how to turn the Pictures here in Scalemates?
19 September 2016, 13:28