EE (BAC) Canberra Mk(I)88 Venezuelan Air Force
- Skala:
- 1:72
- Status:
- Fullført
- Påbegynt:
- January 12, 2018
- Fullført:
- July 7, 2019
Venezuelan Air Force used Canberra s since 1953; when received the first B.2 units, until end of 80's. Canberra s were operated initially with Bomber Group 39. After Air Force reorganization and creation of Group 13; all units were assigned to it at Barcelona's Air Force Base at the east side of Venezuela.
This unit (MSN 71565) was delivered to Venezuelan Air Force in 1958 as "4B39"; reg was changed in 1966 to "0923" and converted to standard Mk(I)88 in 1977. Currently out of service, it still exhibited as gate guard at Barcelona AFB, Venezuela.
Detaljerings- og konverteringssett

BAC/EE Canberra International 'Fighter Canopy' Version Pt I
Model Alliance 1:72
MA-72143 2006 New tool /no/search.php?q=*&fkMATEID[]=31015&showast=no&fkWORKBENCH[]=WB31015&page=projects&project=60617
28 July 2019, 01:15

Picture of 0923 in Warton was provided by Mr. Freddy Pedrique.
29 July 2019, 15:32