LRDG Patrol
Overnight Bivouac
- Skala:
- 1:35
- Status:
- På vent
- Påbegynt:
- November 2, 2020
- Tid brukt:
- 9 hours to date
An overnight bivouac for a LRDG patrol in the Western Desert sometime in late 1942. The diorama depicts a small section of a larger bivouac consisting of the Chevrolet 1533X2 30 CWT radio truck alongside the patrol commanders pilot car (willy's MB Bantam).
I am looking to complete the vehicles as belonging to Y Patrol with the ficticious name of "Why Aye Man" adorning the Chevrolet. The reason being that Y Patrol as well as drawing recruits from Yeomanry units, also drew men from the Northumberland Fusiliers and as I hail from Newcastle I thought I'd be creative. The vehicle will be Y9 giving a nod to the hallowed No.9 shirt worn by all Toon Strikers. My Model, my rules 🙂
The scene will include various patrol members carrying out their chores upon encampment as per a description found in the Osprey publication "LRDG Patrolman"

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