Om meg
- Navn:
- James Sontag
- Kallenavn:
- Invader67
- Land:
Amerikas forente stater
- By:
- San Antonio
- Medlem siden:
- December 18, 2019
- Fellesskap:
- (Paper modeling) (Gundam modeling) (Train modeling) (Diecast models) (RC modeling)
52 year old from San Antonio, Texas. Been a huge World War II aviation freak since I was 5 years old. First model was the Monogram 1/48 Stuka around 1975. Married to my wife Christy for 22 years and we have a cat and dog.
Also a huge metal head, Iron Maiden my favorite band, also like football, hockey, and baseball. I'm also a huge Korean War Aviation nut. Stopped modeling in 1982 when I was 15, because partying, girls, going to concerts, smoking weed were my new priorities. Started modeling again when I was 23 in 1990. Stopped again in 1995. Started back up again in 2005 and built through 2012. Then our dog Honeysuckle destroyed most of what I had built one. day. Was hoping to start building again, but with Christy in the hospital for the past year, she is still in, and me having neck surgery February 2019, I haven't built anything this past year. Hope to start back up soon. Have a decent stash, much to Christy's dismay. Also a huge Big Bang Theory - T.V. show - fan.
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