TankerInfoNavn:TankerKategori:Skip » LasteskipBrukt fra:1880–NåBrukt av:Produsent: MultiplePopulære byggesettLNG Carrier AModelium 1:2500T18V2500-003M (020137) 2018 New tool LNG Carrier BModelium 1:2500T18V2500-004M (020144) 2018 New tool LNG Carrier CModelium 1:2500T18V2500-005M (020151) 2018 New tool North Sea Oil Tanker BP Tanker S.S. British Sovereign Revell 1:500H465 1977 Ny boks ProdukterTankerArtitec 1:22055.111 1998 New tool Tanker "Lavéra"Progresswerk Nürnberg 1:50050605 1965 Ny boks Oil TankerIdeal Model Aeroplanes and Supplies 1:300 1938 New tool LNG Carrier CModelium 1:2500T18V2500-005M (020151) 2018 New tool LNG Carrier BModelium 1:2500T18V2500-004M (020144) 2018 New tool LNG Carrier AModelium 1:2500T18V2500-003M (020137) 2018 New tool Oil TankerIdeal Model Aeroplanes and Supplies 1:300 194x Ny boks Petroleiro Do Mar Do NorteBP Tanker S.S. British Sovereign Revell/Kikoler 1:500H-465 197x Ny boks Oil Tanker British The Battle of the Atlantic Eaglewall 1:1200 196x New tool BP LaveraHeller 1:500L605 1961 Ny boks BP Tanker S.S. British SovereignMerit 1:500 195x New tool North Sea Oil Tanker BP Tanker S.S. British Sovereign Revell 1:500H465 1977 Ny boks Petrolier Lavera BP ex-Revell Heller 1:500L605 1963 Ny boks BøkerIngen resultaterGalleriSupertanker TI EuropeScratch 1:700av Roel Van de Velde på ModellmarineMotortanker SchwarzheideScratch 1:1000av Steffen Mydlak på ModellversiumBritish Promise Britischer TankerHP-Models 1:700av Mike McCabe på ModellmarineSe alle galleriartikler » (6)VisningIngen resultaterWikipediaFinn på Wikipedia »