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Андрей Н
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Hummer H1View album, image #1
1:24 Hummer H1 (Meng Model CS-002)1:24 Hummer H1 Upgrade Kit (Meng Model SPS-033)
11 2 May 2022, 14:39
Christian W
I am slightly irritated because of no respond for this kit. That color looks so sick (in a good way) on that kind of vehicle! Along with the roof rack and stuff on it, you can imagine, how the rich younger people do their life. Crazy idea well done.
 24 September 2024, 05:32
A fun car for sure. 🙂
 24 September 2024, 08:26
Андрей Н Autor
Christian W кстати, цвет авто увидел на фотографии в интернете, одного из хозяев такого авто
 24 September 2024, 10:19
Christian W
Pretty cool!
 24 September 2024, 20:59
Андрей Н Autor
 27 September 2024, 11:50

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