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Wątek rozpoczęty przez mannmitbrille

mannmitbrille wasd
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ICM Panhard 204 fView album, image #13
1:35 Panzerspähwagen P 204(f) Railway (ICM 35376)
24 10 February 2023, 08:02
Ben M
 11 February 2023, 01:11
Tom B.
Watching this with interest 👍 I have a soft spot for armoured cars on rails and the Panhard is one of my favourites!
 11 February 2023, 11:35
Ben M
With the antenna, as pictured on the box, how did the turret turn?
 11 February 2023, 15:20
mannmitbrille wasd Autor
@tom agree really interesting topic, but the kit requires some attention, if you should try to build it. Stil looking for the old armored train from Dragon or Revell 😉
 11 February 2023, 18:32
mannmitbrille wasd Autor
@ben the real antenna would have rotated on top of the turret axis freely.
 11 February 2023, 18:34
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress.
 13 February 2023, 04:07
Michael Kohl
Very well done.
 7 July 2024, 10:08
Villiers de Vos
Very nicely done.
 7 July 2024, 18:09
mannmitbrille wasd Autor
Thank you @Michael & Villiers!
 10 July 2024, 10:04
Very nice result !
 10 July 2024, 10:29
Great weathering
 10 July 2024, 11:06

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