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Wątek rozpoczęty przez thewrongguy

Jeff H
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33 zdjęć/zdjęcia
Renault R35View album, image #31
Projekt: Renault R35
1:35 R35 (Tamiya 35373)1:35 WWII French Armed Forces Tankman (Alpine Miniatures 35196)
59 3 April 2023, 14:02
Strange, I've seen that tank before.

Youtube Video

By the way: nice build so far. 👍
 3 April 2023, 16:53
Jeff H Autor
Thanks for sharing. I check out Doogs work once in a while and missed this project somehow.
 8 April 2023, 00:34
Really looks very nice painted up. Great colours especially the reddish brown and the green.
 8 April 2023, 07:22
Guy Rump
looking good. 👍
 8 April 2023, 09:20
James C
Great job on that paint scheme 👍
 12 April 2023, 16:37
Rui S
Looking great 👍 I'm in 😎
 12 April 2023, 22:25
Mark K
Superb rendition of the paint scheme!
 13 April 2023, 00:49
Villiers de Vos
Very nice paint work.
 16 April 2023, 17:54
Hi Jeff, cool build...
how did you apply the camouflage pattern, especially the black dividing lines?
 16 April 2023, 18:14
Buen trabajo
 16 April 2023, 18:18
Jeff H Autor
Thanks for the comments. I think it'll be a nice change from all the olive drab and dunklegelb in my display case.

@ Robert E - The base green was a lacquer olive green from AK. The other 4 camos were hand painted with vallejo. For the fine lines I actually just used a ultra fine tip sharpie pen. In hindsight I wish I has gone with a fine paint pen Gundam modelers use. The sharpie was not touch up friendly as the ink would bleed through any vallejo paint I put on top.
 16 April 2023, 22:43
Hi Jeff, thanks for the description and tipp with Gundam pen. I encountered the issue with the bleeding in a different project, too.

It will be a beacon in your display case.... 😎
 17 April 2023, 07:34
Pietro De Angelis
Beautiful job, camo and weathering, congrats!
 4 May 2023, 16:15
Loved the Tiger II turret size comparison! Great build
 15 May 2023, 20:27
Tank looks great but the commander figure is also massively good!
 26 May 2023, 03:04
Guy Rump
Great job! 👍
 26 May 2023, 06:31
Michael Kohl
Very well done. The figure puts it nicely into perspective.
 26 May 2023, 07:09
Very nice work in every aspect!
 26 May 2023, 07:34
Mr James
Very good work. Great camo wonderfully painted. Great little scene
 9 June 2024, 04:35
Rui S
I agree. Beautiful vignett 👍
 10 June 2024, 23:57

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