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Wątek rozpoczęty przez SlowButDeadly

Jose Freire
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5 zdjęć/zdjęcia
Hawker Tempest View album, image #1
1:48 Tempest Mk.V Series 2 (Eduard 82122)
25 6 August 2023, 16:53
Gary Curling
 13 March, 17:57
Jose Freire Autor
Thanks for the compliment Gary.
 14 March, 08:27
Lovely result!
 14 March, 08:48
Jose Freire Autor
Thanks for you compliment gorby
 15 March, 02:05
Arnold Mertens
nicely done. Nice paintjob on the D-Day stripes and camouflage pattern
 16 March, 19:12
Jose Freire Autor
Thanks Arnold, not so bad for my first time doing D-Day stripes on a build.
 17 March, 10:09

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