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Wątek rozpoczęty przez Mitrandir

Grzegorz Kogut
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16 zdjęć/zdjęcia
S.A. 321K "Tzir'a"View album, image #12
16 19 November 2023, 00:21
Maksim Kurmaz
Mach kit seems to be quite problematic. But I agree, Frelon is a rarity, it worth it. I'm waiting for someone to make a modern model kit.
1  8 February, 21:32
Michael Kohl
Rarely seen and top quality on top of that.
1  8 February, 21:39
Grzegorz Kogut Autor
Thx 😎
 16 February, 01:51
No pain no gain... The gain is huge. Smart job with an hostile kit 🙂
1  16 February, 08:27
Good result indeed!
1  16 February, 11:35
Guy Rump
Great result! 👍
1  16 February, 12:47

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