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Wątek rozpoczęty przez Louisuni

Louis Leung
dodał nowy album.
12 6 August 2024, 12:52
LucLuke B
Very nice model, I like it. How was the kit?
 6 August 2024, 12:57
Louis Leung Autor
Thanks. It's my first try on KA models, and it is surprisingly good. The fitting and the details are pretty good. The assembly is pretty straight forward and simple. Overall, it is a fun build.
 6 August 2024, 13:30
Very nice. Really like the airbrush work.
 6 August 2024, 14:46
Peter G
Great painting
 6 August 2024, 14:55
Bruce Huxtable
 6 August 2024, 15:33
Great build! Congrats👍🏻
 6 August 2024, 16:51

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