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Wątek rozpoczęty przez Gcart

Géza Szekér
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27 zdjęć/zdjęcia
2S19 MSTA-SView album, image #27
1:72 MSTA-S (Zvezda 5045)
21 10 November 2024, 21:21
Thomas Wirsching
interesting vehicle of an exotic operator. Nice work!
 25 December 2024, 19:53
Géza Szekér Autor
Thank You Thomas!
 25 December 2024, 20:04
Shar Dipree
Very nice MSTA-S and interesting camouflage. 👍🏻
 25 December 2024, 22:35
Géza Szekér Autor
Thank you Shar!
 25 December 2024, 23:14
Very nice model and base . May I ask how dyou did the camouflage pattern ?
 27 December 2024, 11:03
Géza Szekér Autor
Thanks Bohrmann. I don't use an airbrush, I paint all my models with a traditional brush. The camouflage pattern was also done freehand, I didn't use a stencil, I just tried to follow the pattern shown in the original photo. Unfortunately, the spots turned out a little bigger than the original ones, but I'm still happy with the result, I think the overall effect is good.
1  27 December 2024, 14:03

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