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Wątek rozpoczęty przez Gargyts

Slavik Glinsky
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44 zdjęć/zdjęcia
T-44 MiniartView album, image #1
Projekt: T-44 Miniart
5 21 December 2024, 12:12
Rui S
I like it 👍
1  21 December 2024, 22:14
1  21 December 2024, 22:22
Great work 👍🏻
1  22 December 2024, 03:55
Jennifer Franklin
That is a lot of sprues. How many pieces were there? Brilliant work; the detailing is exceptional.
1  22 December 2024, 04:01
Slavik Glinsky Autor
Thanks Jennifer! Now I can't say exactly how many sprues there were, but there were a lot of them.
 22 December 2024, 08:13

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