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Wątek rozpoczęty przez Louisuni

Louis Leung
dodał nowy album.
14 22 December 2024, 09:16
Johne 69
A Masterpiece 👍
How was the Kit to built ?
 22 December 2024, 10:57
Louis Leung Autor
Thanks Johne 69. The fitting is good, except 2 rails on both sides. Probably it's my fault after adding light strip. And the details is great too. A large improvement from last version in 80's.
 22 December 2024, 12:45
Doc Brown would be happy. Nice work.
 22 December 2024, 13:36
Wait a minute, Doc, are you telling me you built a Time Machine, out of a model kit?!?
 22 December 2024, 17:11
Just got this one myself, really looking forward to it. You've done a great job with this!
 22 December 2024, 20:36
looks really fantastic with the lighting
 22 December 2024, 21:31
how many stip led modules did you use?
 22 December 2024, 21:40
Louis Leung Autor
Thanks for all comments. @Spanjaard I have used 3 ice blue light strip. You can check out the WIP photos at
 23 December 2024, 03:28
nice, but 20+ modules makes it a bit too expensive.....
 23 December 2024, 10:26
Louis Leung Autor
Yes, actually some lighting effects is not that visible. I am using way too much modules for some un-necessary effects. 😄
 23 December 2024, 12:33

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