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Wątek rozpoczęty przez Wolff66

David Wolff
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12 zdjęć/zdjęcia
Macchi 326H RAAFView album, image #10
17 6 January, 21:58
Jay Dubya
I grew up with these trainers flying overhead, so I've a got a lot of love for the Fanta Can Macchi! Great work David.
 7 January, 03:25
David Wolff Autor
Nothing like a Fanta Can Macchi - I first saw them in the late 70's at RAAF Pearce and later practicing formation flying at Cape le Grand near Esperence.
 7 January, 08:57
alessandro magrelli
FANTA stic job!
1  8 February, 17:36
Robert Podkoński
1  8 February, 17:37
David Wolff Autor
This old ESCI kit builds up into a very nice little model. It's over 40 years old but has finely engraved panel lines, needed no filler and only a few minor sink holes which I didn't bother to fill as they were hardly noticeable. The cockpit detail is a bit poor but the Neomega resin replacement solved that problem. The wing tanks needed to be replaced for 90 gallon units - they needed more filler than the kit. As RAAF Macchi's have a closed fairing on the nosewheel I purchased this from OzMods but it was worse than the original and ended up modifying the kit part.
 8 February, 17:47
Michael Kohl
Wonderful result. I like it a lot.
1  8 February, 21:21
Zbynek Honzik
Beautiful job! 👏👏👏
 9 February, 04:23
Lorraine Lin
 9 February, 08:53
Clean work! I like the fresh colors!
 9 February, 10:22
Rui S
A Beauty, indeed 👍
 9 February, 14:27
Stefan Schacht
nice clean work 👍
 9 February, 14:30
Guy Rump
Lovely model! 👍
 9 February, 15:44

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