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Wątek rozpoczęty przez Rus_ka

Ruslan Gaynutdinov
Has Panda discontinued this kit, I only can find two on eBay and they are really overpriced?
2S6M Tunguska Anti-Aircraft Artillery
Panda Hobby 1:35
PH-35002 2012 Nowe formy
28 June 2018, 05:29
Palo M
Look at the reviews, they say it's garbage.
 22 March 2019, 01:17
Vesa-Pekka Palmu
Yeah, the kit is Trademark Panda Hobby quality, parts don't fit, there are parts missing that aren't even on the sprue molds, the instructions have completely different parts than the sprues and for example the rocket pods don't fit at all. Unless you are willing to do major scratchbuilding and detective work the kit can't be assembled.

IMO this is even worse than their TOR, which is famous for missing one outside roadwheel, all of the inside ones are there in the kit, but you need to cast one outside wheel yourself...
 23 March 2021, 09:18
Palo M
There is Meng and Hong, really no reason to go with this one.
 23 March 2021, 11:52
Vesa-Pekka Palmu
Sadly, not of Tunguska, there is a meng shilka that is nice. And hopefully the upcoming zvedna tor is decent.
 23 March 2021, 20:32
Palo M
Ooh, I missed that this is the Tunguska. Would like to build one at some point too. Shame it's such a bad model.
 24 March 2021, 17:03

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