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Wątek rozpoczęty przez HerrK

Andreas Koziol
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48 zdjęć/zdjęcia
3. Tiger Ausf. E (Tp)View album, image #39
1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger Ausf.E (Tp ) (Italeri 286)
1 17 November 2018, 07:46
Thomas K.
Der schöne Panzer! 😉
 23 November 2018, 21:03
Thomas K.
Musst Du alles kaputt machen! 😉
 23 November 2018, 21:03
Johne 69
Weiter so 🙂 so ein Tiger konnte einiges wegstecken
 23 November 2018, 21:14
Andreas Koziol Autor
ohne beulen & kratzer ist das kein panzer! 😄
without bumps & scratches, this is no tank!
 23 November 2018, 23:46
 24 November 2018, 06:48
Andreas Koziol Autor
I know, this is too much chipping. I used liquid mask the first time. :/
 28 November 2018, 09:10
Andreas Koziol Autor
tracks are done! what a misery.
 7 December 2018, 17:41
Andreas Koziol Autor
Finally done! 🙂
 12 December 2018, 16:18
Andreas Koziol Autor
james thanks for your kind words! 👍
 17 December 2018, 14:56
Kai R. Ingebrigtsen
Did you use a PE set designed for this kit, or for a different one?
 26 October 2024, 13:31
Andreas Koziol Autor
I used a photo etched set from ABER, you can see it on the third picture.
 27 October 2024, 16:25

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