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Wątek rozpoczęty przez Lt. Evil

Christian Skottun
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27 zdjęć/zdjęcia
WnW Sopwith CamelView album, image #24
1:32 Sopwith F.1 Camel 'Le Rhone' (Wingnut Wings 32071)
16 14 November 2019, 23:10
David Andrs
 19 November 2019, 00:26
Fabulous work!
I would suggest changing the first photo to one of the completed photos, so that more people will see it.
 19 November 2019, 15:46
Very beautiful diorama. Top paint job on plane and pilot.
 19 November 2019, 18:04
Christian Skottun Autor
 21 November 2019, 20:58
Villiers de Vos
Top notch work.
 10 September 2024, 04:32
Matt Schloss
Excellent work!
 10 September 2024, 16:08

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