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Wątek rozpoczęty przez LodniK

Calvin Gifford
I certainly hope that, once the 1/32nd version is released, a 1/48 scale version follows soon!
F11F Tiger
Kitty Hawk 1:32
KH32017 2016 Anulowany | Nigdy nie wydano
22 February 2020, 06:56
Thomas Bischoff
Same here, I have the Fonderie Miniature kit but would'nt mind a new tool easy build kit 🙂
 22 February 2020, 13:10
Calvin Gifford Autor
👍 Those kits are outrageous on EvilBay now...
 23 February 2020, 07:04
Thomas Bischoff
I was lucky - Bought mine in Paris at Euromaquette for a reasonable price!
 23 February 2020, 16:08
Dennis Mulligan
First two walkarounds don't work. the third didn't at first go but seems OK now.
 23 February 2020, 16:43
Calvin Gifford Autor
Reported to admin, Dennis. :-D
 23 February 2020, 20:30

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