Churchill Mk.VII Tank Airfix 1961 tool, 1994 box
Photo 1 of 14
23 12 August 2023, 16:41

I have the Airfix Classics Churchill Crocodile and had a horrible time with the build. So much so, I've stashed it down in a drawer and when my skills increase I may try to correct some of the issue I had. A shame really because I have a great idea for a diorama. Best of luck with the build!
12 August 2023, 17:06

I've made a start on the Churchill. Old 1961 tool and it seems to show. I've put the wheels together and added them to the side chassis. Next will be painting them. 🙂
Sorry that you found this kit a pain to build Andy, hopefully, I'll not have to do the same! Thanks for your kind comment. 👍
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes John H, Villiers DV, & Karel D. 👍
10 September 2023, 14:39

Following you with interest on this one Guy! I'd love to see this ancient classic given some TLC. I'm considering attempting the Crocodile version. It's a tricky build from my 1970s memories but that was back when I was a tyro.
12 September 2023, 09:47

Wheels and surrounding wheels painted. next will be preparing tracks and adding them. 🙂
Welcome Neil, I hope I can do it justice. 👍
Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Pietro DA & Neil P. 👍
17 September 2023, 15:08

Tracks and side skirts added. Tracks covered with track wash, side skirts painted with Hataka Olive Drab. 🙂
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Andrew B. 👍
8 October 2023, 15:18

Tracks and skirts added to main hull. Hataka olive drab used for painting. Painted the shovels, machine guns and tow cables. Starting to look like a tank now. 🙂
Many thanks mate for your interest and like Albert M. 👍
9 October 2023, 16:19

I'm declaring this one completed. I added the turret and then the decals after spraying with gloss varnish. I then used a black wash for weathering with some mud added. The kit itself is OK but the wheels are a bit difficult and don't seem to fit very well. I used super glue to glue the tracks together as the heating with a knife (as per instructions) didn't work very well. The aerials are made from heated sprue, a bit over scale I think.
The tank denoted is APOLLO of the 1st Royal Tank Regiment, 22nd Armoured Brigade, 7th Armoured Division A ... T 173147 H. 🙂
Many thanks mate for your interest and like John E. 👍
15 October 2023, 14:13

Nicely done Sir. I too found the wheels a strange fit and on reflection, it probably needed a lot more dry fit, filing and testing before gluing. However, it was one of my first kits getting back into this so I suppose it was expected. If I see it on sale again (it was in The Works store) I'll pick it up and go again. Excellent work once again. Andy
26 October 2023, 21:44

Very many thanks for your very kind comment Andy, I really appreciate it. 👍
Very many thanks mates for your interest and likes Franck D, Djordje N & Juskifo. 👍
5 November 2023, 18:15

Many thanks mates for your interest and likes James C, Jan E & Neil. 👍
19 November 2023, 16:14

Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Durand S & Dom S. 👍
17 December 2023, 17:11

Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Ian S & Curatorm. 👍
22 December 2023, 16:36