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Pietro De Angelis (PDA)

Euroma 2023

Photo 1 of 288


56 3 September 2023, 17:05
Villiers de Vos
Thank you for sharing.
 3 September 2023, 17:47
Pietro De Angelis Autor
I apologize to all the scalemates who deal with modern aircraft, ancient and modern ships and gundams but there were so many beautiful models that I was unable to photograph them all!😅
 3 September 2023, 18:18
Great level!!!!
 3 September 2023, 20:53
Lochsa River
Amazing work here...thank you for posting this.
 4 September 2023, 05:36
Thanks a lot for sharing! So many inspiring builds!
 4 September 2023, 08:13
Rui S
High level, thx for sharing 👍
 4 September 2023, 19:57
Isaac Kite
Exquisitely finished Nie 24 (?) and presentation. Figure painting also. Magnifico!
 23 October 2023, 18:22
yeon sung Jung
Thank you for sharing.👍🙌
 11 November 2023, 11:56
Pietro De Angelis Autor
 11 November 2023, 17:07
Wow, some incredible builds!
Thanks for posting.
 11 November 2023, 17:32
Pietro De Angelis Autor
 11 November 2023, 17:43
Jennifer Franklin
Nice collection; you've obviously been modeling for a while. Your work is lovely.
 23 January 2024, 13:23
Pietro De Angelis Autor
Jennifer, I'm glad that you have started modeling again, I wouldn't want you to have misunderstood that the masterpieces shown are my work, perhaps, even if I were up to it, it would take me 7 lives of 7 cats to do them!😅 Unfortunately or fortunately I have started working again and I have to wait for retirement to be able to start modeling again...😢
 23 January 2024, 20:35
Jennifer Franklin
Who were all those models done by? I am sorry to hear that you are waiting to start modeling again 😢
 23 January 2024, 21:55

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