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Marco Musi (natter)


Photo 1 of 4


17 July 2011, 09:56
Tim Vereecke
Ciao Marco! Very nice sci-fi Project you presented here. I like all the small details you added as well as the paintjob. Cheers, Tim
 18 July 2011, 11:46
I agree, very nice work Marco
 18 July 2011, 12:04
Riet D
found your profile while browsing the member sites, great looking Libelle. I like it
 3 August 2011, 08:49
Bellissimo! A very nice Scifi project! Congrats
 3 August 2011, 09:48
Marco Musi Autor
Thank you all for the nice comments!! Marco
 3 August 2011, 21:16
Albert Moore
That is cool! Excellent work on combining the various kits. I especially like the paint work.
 3 August 2011, 23:10

Album info

Sci-Fi project and self-made for Dust series of Paolo Parente

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