Wellington of 311. Squadron Bomber Command
Photo 1 of 43
44 18 September 2023, 18:54

So I've started build of this wonderful plane in 311. Squadron marking. It was really hard service on these planes above occupied Europe, especially for Czech crews, who were considered traitors in case of falling into German capture.
18 September 2023, 19:03

Hi David...this is a great kit and in your capable hands will be a terrific homage to those in 311 Sqdn (Czech)
20 September 2023, 12:38

Thank you mates, I really appreciate your interest. Must say it is lovely kit and it is very relaxing build so far.
20 September 2023, 16:13

That's a lot of interior details that required a steady hand. Looks splendid!
24 September 2023, 07:50

Thank you guys for your kind words. But the interior is very well prepared from Airfix and some PE details make it nice. I like working on interior but at the end I everything ruin with my painting🙁.
24 September 2023, 17:28

Finally I have finished Eduards engines. They are pretty good but I've got big problems to complete them. Next I moved to the bomb bay and gun turrets, I've decided to replace guns with resin ones.
7 January 2024, 12:45

I used the excellent Master 0.303 set, never thought to use resin ones...they'll look brilliant...along with this superb build David!
7 January 2024, 13:18

Thank you Andy, I've got spare resin ones from my Lancaster build, missed Master, they also look awesome. I'll try them on my Stirling build some time in the future. Thank you for the recommandation.
9 January 2024, 08:09

@David, I just think the use of the brass is a little more robust- as for me, breaking barrels/antennae etc. is my least favourite part of the hobby!
9 January 2024, 09:13

Thank you mates for your interest and kind words. Almost everything is on its place only turrets, engines and ladder are waiting.
15 January 2024, 18:11

Nice interior colours ! Most modellers fear using this dope primer color, but it is probably the right colour and not interior green, except, maybe, for cockpit area. Big effort to paint the metallic structure properly, i appreciate !
15 January 2024, 18:32

Thank you Transall NG, I really appreciate your words. To be honest, I've got inspired by other kits with interior colors. But it makes sense for me so I've tried this approach.
18 January 2024, 19:09

Several pictures from final stages of build added. Overall I am not very satisfied with the engines but Airfix Wellington is very nice kit and I have enjoyed the work.
13 February 2024, 18:37

David Congratulations on another interesting model for your collection. The open engines have brought the model to life nicely. I really like how you played with the interior. 👍 It's a shame that you can't see much of the interior after the fuselage is assembled.
14 February 2024, 22:26

Well, thank you mates for your words. @Ludvik you are right I love making the interrior and at least I have these photos 😉. Concerning those engines, they are nice but my problem was that I was not able to imagine the whole result and why the parts are placed in current position. So there is several mistakes with correct placing especially with the air intake in the bottom, which is not visible on the photos😅, I hope.
15 February 2024, 08:04

David, I'm sure you know the saying, "What the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't hurt. 🙂
15 February 2024, 08:54

:-D, yes I know it, but my problem is that brain knows about this. That is the reason why I am making pictures without these details. So I am keeping others hearts unhurt😜.
15 February 2024, 09:08

David, I know that feeling all too well. I don't know a single modeler who hasn't found a flaw in his finished model. There's always room for improvement. The next model will be better 🙂
What will you build next?
15 February 2024, 09:36

Just now I've started Academy Catalina Black cat in 1/72. And I am also building Willys Jeep in 1/72 to add it to my British bombers collection for some kind of diorama. I am looking for some suitable RAF/USAAF ground personel.
15 February 2024, 11:24