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Model Man (ModelManForge)

Harley Quinn themed '57 T-Bird

Photo 1 of 76


16 16 April 2024, 06:38
Robert Podkoński
Watching with interest!
 16 April 2024, 17:30
Model Man Autor
 16 April 2024, 18:22
Christian W
I like the bullet holes 😄 Overall it looks good!
 6 May 2024, 04:24
Martin Oostrom
What did they use to shoot the car? Anti tank shells?
This looks great!
 6 May 2024, 05:39
Model Man Autor
Thank you and yeah I made the bullet hole a bit too big but lore-wise Harley Quinn has taken this car through some serious action! 😆 One thing that has been fun is since it's inspired from a cartoon, I don't feel like I have to restrict myself to be super accurate. Hence the wires, I just put them where it would look cool.
 6 May 2024, 06:45

Project info

76 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:25 Ford Thunderbird 1957 (AMT AMT1397)

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