D4Y3 type 33 Fujimi
Photo 1 of 4
1 28 May 2012, 11:28

Nice! Makes me very curious how you produced the shading/weathering on the top side!?
10 June 2012, 13:08

well I used several paints Vallejo Camouflage dark green en Hobby color navy green and those I thinned down with a little yellow to fill certain panels. Then I used several varnishes sometimes matt varnish and some panels satin or a mix off them and in the ens drybrush here and there with silver for the chipping.
Panel lines are filled with MIG dark wash
10 June 2012, 13:49

Looks good. I like it! Weathering looks just right to me.
Sometimes one can see Japanese fighter planes with extreme chipping and weathering, that they apear to be in service for 20 years without any maintenance...
Yours is just perfect!
10 June 2012, 14:56