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Neil Pepper (nuttyneil64)

Sherman Dozer

Photo 1 of 19


12 June 2012, 06:34
Neil Pepper Autor
thanks Micheal
 12 June 2012, 06:49
Holger Kranich
Well done, Neil! It looks beautiful. The weathered plow even looks good!
 12 June 2012, 08:55
Neil Pepper Autor
Holger/Michael thanks for the feedback it makes it worth wile thanks again
 12 June 2012, 10:11
Hi Neil, looks great. I like the painting very much!
 12 June 2012, 15:44
Neil Pepper Autor
Acki thanks
 12 June 2012, 22:01

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Tamiya 1:48 Sherman
Gas-o-line conversion
Blackdog resin stowage
Dartmoor figures

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