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Final gallery / P-51B Mustang GQ*H 43-6638


74 27 November 2024, 22:14
Lovely work on both of these. The level of details is really stunning.
 28 November 2024, 07:09
I agree!
 28 November 2024, 09:15
Woit Autor
Oh, man... Mamy thanks for these nice words from both of you.
The basis is a good set, the next important not to ruin it 🙂
 28 November 2024, 10:09
 28 November 2024, 10:11
That would be an amazing result in 1/32 scale. In 1/72 it's stunning!
 28 November 2024, 10:16
It looks like 1/48.
Unknown "sharkmouth" until this one
 28 November 2024, 16:06
Woit Autor
Once again, thanks for your kind words about my model! It's really nice 🙂
 28 November 2024, 21:36
Zbynek Honzik
Beautiful job and great photos. 👍
 28 November 2024, 21:48
Awesome, a gem!
 29 November 2024, 12:25
Woit Autor
Thank you Zbynek and Finn 🙂
 29 November 2024, 17:51
Rui S
Excellent work 👍
 29 November 2024, 18:21
Alec K
Outstanding indeed 👍
 30 November 2024, 04:04
Woit Autor
I feel honored by your comments. Thank you very much!
 30 November 2024, 06:07
Robert Podkoński
Awesome job!
 30 November 2024, 07:45
Shar Dipree
Magnificent mustags that don't look like 1/72. 👍
 30 November 2024, 07:54
Sven Schönyan
Pretty nice!
 30 November 2024, 08:01
Gerard v.d. Schaaf
Awesome job. Nice detailing and weathering!
 30 November 2024, 08:20
Woit Autor
I'm in shock. I'm so glad that so many of you like this model. Thank you!
 1 December 2024, 16:16
William Joel
What's not to like, you did a great job. Thanks for sharing.
 1 December 2024, 16:40
Thomas O'Eh
That bird is a beauty! Details, paint job, weathering, wear, dirt, even the base!
 1 December 2024, 18:02
Dave Flitton
I love it!
 1 December 2024, 19:20
Łukasz Gliński
Fabulous, the canopy looks incredibly real 👍
and dat jaws! 😄
 2 December 2024, 10:59
Romain Sablou
Great job on that heavily weathered Mustang. Great choice of marking !
 2 December 2024, 11:54
Woit Autor
I have no words to express what I feel when I see all these comments. Thank you!
Łukasz, the bird cage splendor goes to Part' photo-etched elements 😉
 2 December 2024, 21:25
John Thomas
Nice work
 2 December 2024, 22:15

Album info

Feel free to visit my gallery and have a nice time watching of the P-51B Mustang built from the Arma Hobby Deluxe set containing additional printed elements (seats, exhausts, radiators).
I also used some extras to enhance the model. Wheels, wheel chocks, fuel barrels, table and cans for self-printing purchased on the Arma Hobby website.

I also added a some photo-etched elements from the PART set dedicated to Academy model, which also fit here without any major problems. I used Master armament dedicated to D version.
Fnished model placed on a base reproducing the airfield surface PSP/"Marston Mat", also from Arma Hobby. I only raised it slightly for better presentation.

My MutangThe machine is accompanied by a US NAVY pilot figure from Legend Productions. However, I painted it in the USAF style using photos and descriptions based on the site „303rd Bombardment Group (Heavy)”(
Apart from the above-mentioned additions, I basically built the model "straight from the box", only filling lines on the wings and adding some rivets on the engine cover.
The bottom of the model was painted with Hataka C033 Neutral Grey from the Orange Line series and the top was covered with Dark Olive Drab 41 (RC259) AK from the Real Color series.
Weathering made with washes, crayons, oilbrushes and pigments (and maybe too much imagination 😉 ).

The multitude of attractive variants of markings in the box did not make the choice easier. I decided to paint the North American P-51B-7-NA Mustang, serial number 43-6638, from the period of service in the 355th Fighter Squadron, 354th Fighter Group, 9th Air Force USAAF, pilot Second Lieutenant Fred G. Buckner.

In June 1944, the squadron operated from Lashenden Airport in Great Britain (website describing the history of this base

This paint scheme is very characteristic due to the unusual jaw and invasion stripes, and at the same time poorly documented - I managed to find only a short film fragment where you can see this plane taxiing before taking off for another mission. - around 5:11 minutes.

The model was created as part of a group project of modelers from the Twitter service #kleimyMustangiAH – here I would like to thank Marcin Ciepierski, who suggested this joint game.

49 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:72 P-51B Mustang (Arma Hobby 70069)1:72 P-51B Mustang (Part S72-100)1:72 PSP Airfield WW2 (Arma Hobby 70059)1+
North American P-51B-7-NA Mustang
US US Army Air Forces (1941-1947)
355 FS, 354 FG, 9 AF 36638 / GO-H (2nd.Lt. Fred G. Buckner)
Czerwiec 1944 - USAAF Station AFF-410 Lashenden GB
FS34086 FS36173

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