Fast WIP

something went wrong and the order of the pics are not the best but...

hey Vitor, nice progress! please continue posting pics. I'm looking forward on the final result

Looks great Vitor, looking forward to the next pix, greetz Phil

Looks great so far. Looking forward to the finish. Speaking of the Finnish, did they use the Mi-2?

Thank you for your kind workds. I finished it this afternoon and it already with the owner (this was another under commission build) 🙂
It was a fun build with some issues but nothing truly difficult.
I hope you like it.
Regards from Portugal
Vitor Costa

"I hope you like it." Absolutely! I really like the end result Vitor

Lovely Job Vitor, looks realy great, awesome build, greetz Phil

@ Tim, im glad you like it, after all you are a Helli modeler 😉
@ Jan, thank you 🙂
@ Hilfried, thank you 🙂
@ Mike, thank you, i will build another one soon 😉
@ Guido, im glad you like it too
@ Bill, thank you for your kind word my friend, but i think im just one more 🙂
@ Philip, thank you 🙂
@ Guus thank you too.
Thank you all guys, its a pleasure to share my works with you.
I will put some better pictures soon in the last time i just picked a few without looking for the best ones(i have almost 600 of it 🙂)
Regards from Portugal
Vitor Costa

Nice work Vitor! I wonder if the gunship version really had a normal passenger seat arrangement in the cargo comparment

You didn't sleep again much did you?😉
What type of wash did you use on the whole model?

Olá Vitor, muito interessante, excelente montagem! Para quando o início do outro projecto?

Excellent build and painting. Too bad Hobby Boss screwed up on the main rotor hub (1:48?)

I guess 1:144 or 1:72 Scale in the max, by the comparison to the paint.

I mean the rotor hub that is far too big, not the kit (which is 1:72)

Ah, Ok. Now i see what you mean. It looks really out of scale. I was so stunned from the Paintwork that i didn't mind that detail.

Pity there's no replacement for the rotor widely available (by Eduard, Aires or some other company), only the TopGun one:

Hello friends! I think this was my first post here 😄 4 Years ago!!! Time flies...
Thank you for your nice comments.
Album info
The Mi-2US from Trumpeter is a nice surprise, some progress are being made by the chinese brand. Being better that other there are some issues that look very hard to solve, all the "ghost marks" (probably for other versions or variants), the lack of information about the colors, confuse instructions... some lines that almost disappear etc etc... only go tive you an example, in the box the "subject" of this box appears all painted in green, well in the painting instructions... its green and blue, like the Soviet version!!! Lots and lots of hours on the internet trying to find what is correct... the box art or the instructions... well the box art is right, i didnt find any picture of this version with the blue, but... i i found other errors... well not bad at all if we only look to the quality of the kit, in the others aspects they still have a lot to improve, and please give to the modelers better and correct building/painting instructions!!!
well im going to put some pics here soon