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Dave Creel (razorboy)

SS Flak - Italy

Photo 1 of 5


28 September 2012, 17:25
Holger Kranich
Wow, f..k! This one reveals a brand new view on a 8,8!
 28 September 2012, 18:04
Frank Krause
Tamiya's 8,8 was a state of the art kit, when it came out in.... 1972 (!?!)... And it's still a nice kit. Dave is proving that here!
 28 September 2012, 18:32
Holger Kranich
Oh yes he do! Even the figures are well done! I like it!
 28 September 2012, 18:35
Aghis Barberopoulos
Interesting setup, realistic figure poses... Well done!
 28 September 2012, 19:30
Steve Wilson
Another fine piece of work!!! Nice one Dave...
 28 September 2012, 19:31
Christian Meyerhoff
Cool base, cool build. Love this one!
 28 September 2012, 19:36

Album info

Old Tamiya Kit dressed up a bit.

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