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Rene Loeffler (Tarnkappe)

Makett Show 2013 Mosonmagyaróvár

Photo 1 of 231


21 April 2013, 15:17
Frank Krause
Thanks for sharing, Rene! The first pics give already an idea about the high level of this event. I guess you've got some more to upload...😉
 21 April 2013, 15:21
Stefan Suessemilch
Thanks for sharing Rene, very nice pics of high quality models.... It's still a mystery to me why there's still the need of "KEEP OFF" signs... 🤔
 21 April 2013, 15:27
Rene Loeffler Autor
Upload is in Progress, i have about 230 Pictures coming.
 21 April 2013, 15:28
Frank Krause
Wow, 230! I'll go for a walk with my wife and after coming back, I'll enjoy your pictures! Thanks for your efforts! 👍
 21 April 2013, 15:29
Roland Roth
My 1st pics from Hungary 😄 Thx, Rene ...

Many airplanes, but I missed the military dioramas 🙁
 21 April 2013, 15:42
Rene Loeffler Autor
136 Pictures to go...halfway done
 21 April 2013, 15:46
Rene Loeffler Autor
Done! All Pictures are uploaded! It was as every Year a very nice Show, very much to see, nice sunny Weather, many Visitors, many Shops.... See ya next Year!
 21 April 2013, 16:23
Bill Gilman
Very nice! Thank you so much for sharing. It looks like it was a fabulous event! 🙂
 21 April 2013, 16:45
Christian Lehmann
Amazing works
 21 April 2013, 16:56
Pascal GARAT
Thanks a lot for the pics😢
Awesome models!!
 21 April 2013, 17:01
Stefan Schneider
Great models! Thanks for sharing!
 21 April 2013, 17:42
Aghis Barberopoulos
Woow some great aircraft works there and more!!! Quite inspirational.
 21 April 2013, 17:49
schöne Bilder , schöne Exoten , danke 🙂
 21 April 2013, 18:11
Albi Hitz
High level modellers ... inspiring .... motivating ....
 21 April 2013, 18:31
Larry E
Thanks for posting -
 21 April 2013, 18:44
Wim van der Luijt
wow...lots of pics....lots of very nice pics!.....thnx for sharing!
 21 April 2013, 19:18
great models, great photos!
 22 April 2013, 00:11
Sebastijan Videc
great show! Wanted to visit Moson this year but unfortunately I had to work through weekend 🙁
 22 April 2013, 05:10
Michel Huijghe
Some stunning models.
 22 April 2013, 06:45
Maarten Kruizenga
yes, thanks for the pics, something enjoyable to do later on
 22 April 2013, 07:05
Harry Eder
Thanks for sharing this great pics !
 22 April 2013, 07:17
Philip De Keyser
Awesome, so many models! Thanks for sharing Rene
Greetz Phil
 22 April 2013, 08:43
John Irwing
Some exceptional models on display. Thank you for posting.
 22 April 2013, 08:48
Holger Kranich
Wonderful models! Love the Marcava in the mud and the naked Tiger!
 22 April 2013, 09:02
Christian Meyerhoff
Thx for posting! Very impressive show!
 22 April 2013, 09:04
Maarten Kruizenga
wonderful, thank you,
 22 April 2013, 12:27
Nice show 👍
 22 April 2013, 13:36
Es-haq Khosravi
I wish i was there!
 30 May 2013, 02:02

Album info

Some Pictures from Makett Show 2013 Mosonmagyaróvár

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