Tour de France
11 May 2013, 14:43

Bin gespannt auf das Diorama, coole Idee ...
Der 38(t) ist schon mal gelungen.. Die Figuren sehen ebenfalls sehr realistisch aus.
12 May 2013, 08:08

Thanks mates 🙂
Added some progess photos, I glued the rocket sticks on my prited draft, and filled the gaps with plaster, pretty easy....
Albi, the 38(t) was spayed in black, panzer gery and light grey (every color less covering than the color before), some pinwash and drybrushing, also pretty easy
The figures are one of the newer sets of tamiya, everything small was painted with aqua color, the rest is just drybrushing, again pretty easy
You see,I´m just trying to ceep things simple😉
21 May 2013, 08:35
Album info
The 38 (t) from Trumpter went together pretty well. Some PE is included, the only obvious is the grill in picture 2.